MRH website
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As a reminder, when you sign up and post on this site, you agree to our posting guidelines here:
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Bookmarking specific articles
Is there any way to bookmark specific articles for later retrieval? I have taken to cutting up my model railroad magazines and filing the “keeper” articles by topic. I don’t want to print the MRH articles to do this, but I’d like to find a way to do something similar electronically. Ideally, even highlight the relevant text.
Thank you
Site was down for about two hours for maintenance
The MRH website was down for about two hours for some server maintenance. It took longer than expected, but the site's back now!
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Allagash Carthage Turn
Anyone watched the new TrainMasters video from Mike Confalone yet? It is like all of his, very well done.
This is one of if not the best layoust IMHO out there. The scenery is very realistic and the operational aspects are numerous.
I would love to know what camera Mike is using to record these wonderful videos.
Keep up the great work Mike.
No advertising seen
This is odd, and I've checked it on two web browsers, against other known offenders. The MRH website is not showing advertisements. None. No buttons at the upper right, no banners above the Topic bar / below the MRH logo.
The one browser does have uBlock Origin on it, but that is explicitly disabled for the MRH domains. The other (Opera) shows it the same way, but shows all the annoyances of the Reuters ( news site.
Maintenance of some sort underway?
Tim B.
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