MRH website

richhard444's picture

New IPad

I just purchased a new Apple IPad and want to read the Magazine and also view TrainMasters TV on it. Right now I have both on my computer, which is in basement layout room. I would like to read and view these in other locations in my house, such as the Living Room. I can't seem to find what I need to load these onto the IPad.

I need VERY simple help as I am not all that techy.


Photos - Vertical format problem?

Hi Joe, MRH Support, 

I'm not sure if it just me but I think that there may be a problem displaying vertical format photos on the MRH website. The problem appeared to start after the last major software upgrade that was notified a few weeks back. It affects vertical format photos that have been recently uploaded as well as when displaying vertical format photos in some some threads that predate the recent changes. 

ybandell's picture

Image 404 not found issues on MRH?

Is anyone else having issues not seeing some of the images on the website? Normally I don't have this issue but in the past 10 minutes I read some newer topics and random images from random people won't display in their posts and give a "404 not found"-page when right click-ed and 'view image'. Other images in those thread are appearing just fine. The missing images are all coming from MRH an MRH URL, so they are not outside hosted images from Flickr etc.

Does the Forum here at MRH have spell Check?

How do I use Spell Check here at the Forum?

kc2cbd's picture

April 2020 Portrait Zip

The single zip for the Portrait for the April 2020 PDF with media is the same link at the Landscape Version.





Web browsers now have ad blocking built-in

One of the web browsers I use constantly, Opera (, now had ad blocking / tracker blocking built in, and only needs it to be turned on to hit all sites by default (minus the big hitters like Google, Bing and Facebook, of course).  The downside, is that even with these turned off by site exception, the ads here on MRH show as broken links.  To show support for this fine website:

Click on the 'shield' icon on the right side of the address bar, then the 'gear' at the upper right corner:

Wendell1976's picture

Shortline Railroads That Are Privately Or Independently Owned

This thread is born out of comments from another thread. I am putting together a list of shortline railroads that are privately or independently owned and not by a Class I railroad, Rail America, Genesee & Wyoming, Watco, or any governmental agency. I know of a few examples of shortline railroads that fit this category:

Salt Lake, Garfield, and Western Railway(SLGW)
Oregon Pacific Railroad(OPR)
Omaha, Lincoln, and Beatrice Railway(OLB)
Modesto and Empire Traction Company(MET)
Denver Rock Island Railroad(DRIR)

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