MRH website

Site hickup
We had a site hickup from about noon to 12:15 PDT.
We were testing around site ads and ad blocking, but we broke the site accidentally.
It's back now, sorry for the oops!

Auto save ***new and improved***
Whenever I make a post z box pops up that says I have auto saved content and it double posts. Whats up with that?
We have installed a new-and-improved auto save that works differently now. To jump directly to the explanation of what's different, go to this link:
Filtering Posts
I use the "recent posts" page as my primary access to the website. On that page, we have options for "my recent posts", and "all recent Posts". An additional option would be nice - titled "all New Posts". It would have a subset of the "all Recent Posts", but only entries that have new posts would be listed. Is that possible, and is it of interest?

MRH user numbers
If you hover over your user name on any post you make (just under the subject line) and look down at the text that comes up at the bottom of your screen, you can see your user number.
This came up on another thread but rather than go off-topic, there seems to be some interest on user numbers, so here's a new thread to have a little fun with this!

Modifying forum topic subject lines
You may have noticed that a few of the topics that have been called out as being vague, maybe even clickbait-y, now have an additional explanation in parentheses.
That was me.
The original authors can change them back if they wish but I would be interested in what people think of me "clarifying" subject lines like this - good idea, or "Heck no!"?
MRH 2018 survey - Hobby health
In 2018, we did our most recent hobby survey. One question we had was about hobby health. Here are the results.
For all the "hand-wringing" threads about the hobby dying, it's less than 4% of our readers who hold this view. Most are more upbeat.
We got a lot of comments on this survey question. In the next post, a sampling of those comments.
Editor driving me nuts rotating images
Joe or moderators, I need your help. I just spent uploaded a bunch of photos into a post. Unfortunately, all of them needed rotating as they came from an iPhone. In most cases, when I rotated them, they would get truncated. If I reloaded them and rotated them, I eventually got them done, but it was a frustrating experience. Here are the steps I took.
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