MRH website

There is an MRH wiki?
Back in late 2016, we launched the MRH Wiki. Yes, MRH has a wiki!
However, to do a wiki right, we need some resources and volunteers dedicated to it along with some MRH staff oversight. Given the lack of resources we've had since the 2016 ad peak and ad erosion since then, finances have been tight and we've left the wiki on the back burner.
With the launch of Running Extra, we're hoping to finally have some financial resources to pay for staff time to oversee the wiki along with getting help from volunteers.
Why does MRH Host BLOGS?
I understand why MRH would host topics, nothing like a good old discussion on battery powered locomotives to help site traffic. Then there is the "How to" topics, what site wouldn't want to be known as the go to place for Model Railroading help.
BLOGS, do they add value to the site? What about cost of storage and traffic?
Would MRH ever consider allowing members to have a link to their BLOGS or a list of member BLOGS and a description of the content?

BNSF's "Circle Cross" Logo On Boxcars
I am planning on backdating my switching layout to the 1990's(but before 1997) very soon. I have a question. What year or what is the date did the BNSF(Burlington Northern Santa Fe) Railway start putting the "Circle Cross" logo onto their boxcar red(or brown) boxcars?

Avatar posting
I changed my avatar yesterday, and everything finally went thru OK.
Today I find it has reverted back to the older one?
And when i tried to reload the new one it did not work??

MRH Site is now HTTPS and secure
Finally ... we went through the process needed to get our site fully secure on https.
No more insecure site warnings -- but with any change, something may not work properly, so let us know if you see something that now doesn't seem to work properly ...
Can the list of pages go on the top?
Hi Joe.
As I navigate the various posts here, I often have to scroll to the bottom of the page to get to the quick links to other pages. Is it possible to have that page element at the top of each page as well as the bottom? I know I can manually change the page in the URL, but that's cumbersome. No biggie, but it would be a convenient feature to have.
Ron Ventura,
Melbourne, Australia.
@JoeF I'd like to help you serve us...
Visiting the Ghostery report on MRH's website, it offers 2 trackers... Google Analytics and OpenX
I have (through my confidence in your service) unblocked them... but I'd like some info on them since they collect info on me:
1. How do you use them?
2. What is your benefit?
I'm hoping there's some support offered to MRH through their presence... I'm just curious (and grateful it's not Facebook... never liked their business model).
Recent change to log-in procedure?
I now have to log in twice, using the same user name and password. This is not a big deal, but it's peculiar. I am using Firefox 52.7.4, and this strange behavior started about a month ago. Any idea what's up?
Blog vs. discussion forum thread, sharing multiple layout efforts
A couple related questions:
I’m considering starting either a blog or a discussion forum thread to document the planning, design and construction of a small layout.Is there protocol or etiquette about whether I should use a blog or a new discussion forum thread to do this?Pros / cons of either approach?

Site was down for ~30 min
The site was down today for about 30 min. Our hosting service applied a security patch and it glitched something. But we're back now!
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