Locos and rolling stock

Effective Repair Of Cracked P2K Gears


The usual case with this elder P2K locos, the axle gears are cracked causing some failures like out of mesh gears (clicking noise), out of gauge wheelsets because a lose seat of teh half axles and at least lost of tractive force.

Remove the wheelsets:

- put the loco upside down in a cradle; removal of the shell is not necesssary

- pry the gear covers with the aid of a screwdriver off

MikeHughes's picture

A useful and free diesel locomotive reference book

Found this quite by accident tonight surfing looking for the name of a brake part on an Alco truck.  

Found it quite useful and downloaded.

Very useful diesel locomotive reference book (free)

Serious weathering on a seriously big car!

There were 70 of these cars that hauled 43,000 gals + of Ethylene glycol! They were in various states of weathering!

Help Identify old 80s locomotives

I am digging out my old trains due to my son showing a lot of interest.  I bought these locos as a child back in the late 80s, not sure how new it was at the time.  they have no branding whatsoever.


1762 has not been cleaned up yet, but 4823 is clean and running good for an almost 40 year old model.


Thank you for your help!


gogebic's picture

RS-1 Horns

Does anyone know which horns were used on RS-1s? Specifically C&NW and SOO RS-1s.

Eric Bergh's picture

Need help with Bachmann HO 2-6-0 Alco Mogul


I can not figure out how to remove the boiler and cab from my Bachmann HO 2-6-0 Alco Mogul. My hope is to free them up so as to modify the cab and reposition the headlight and other details... Anyone out there know the secret for separating these parts from the chassis? -Eric

magnetic connector between loco and tender

I have a couple of Bachmann Spectrum steam locos that have small plugs (I think JST) to connect the loco to the decoder in the tender.  It is a tight fit an I am afraid of damaging them when disconnecting them.  I'm considering replacing them with a tiny magnetic connector (very similar to the iphone charger connector). 

Trouble is, I'm having trouble finding a connector small enough which has 6 pins.  I'm wondering if anyone has a lead on something that might work. 

Michael T.'s picture

A setback...Loco problems on the Black N' Blue

Well, just as I was about to start incorporating my harbor module into operation with the rest of the layout, I've hit a setback. I own three locos, a Bachmann Sound Value 2-6-0, a Bachmann Spectrum two truck Climax and an Atlas RS-1. The Climax was already out of commission as one or both of the driveshafts had come loose and at the time, I was busy with other things and just didn't feel like fooling with it so I put it back in it's box and stored it away. In fact, I now realize I hid it from myself but it's around here somewhere.

Lubrication for locomotives that have not been run in 8 years

Hi Folks,

I have been storing 5 locomotives for 8 years and am wondering how I should lubricate them before running them again. Here is a list of what I have:

Bachmann 3 truck shay ho
Bachmann 2-6-0 ho
Bachmann climax 3 truck shay ho  
Blackstone 2-8-0    hon3
PFM 2 truck shay hon3

Do I need to disassemble anything, or can I just lubricate them by turning them upside down in a foam cradle?

Thoughts and suggestions?


How to disassemble Walther HO Troop Sleeper

Can anyone tell me how to disassemble an Walthers HO Troop Sleeper?

I can get the roof off but the tabs that hold the sides to the core are not flexible enough to get out of the slots into which they engage.

I model the NH and I need to get the sides off to enlarge the doorways.

Thanks in advance.

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