Locos and rolling stock

railandsail's picture

A-line Twin Stacks, truck frames problem

I have 3 new sets of these great looking cars, but have never run them as I am just now getting a nice double deck layout ready to run some.

On occasion yesterday I was inspecting one of the sets of container cars, and several of the trucks simply came apart in my hands. I thought perhaps MEK would glue things back together, but that was a negative.

How Replace Mantua Locomotive Headlight??

This is my first attempt at upgrading a steam loco – specifically a Mantua 2-8-2.

Before I took the loco apart, it did run successfully on my layout.  However the headlight did not work.  When I opened up the loco, there was one wire from the motor to the front of the “shell” (see pics).  The wire was only holding by 1-2 threads, and it broke shortly thereafter.  The “shell” is one solid piece of metal, weighing in at 14.4 oz.

USRA 0-6-0 models available

I'm thinking about buying a USRA 0-6-0 in HO. There seems to be quite a few to choose from in brass and I was wondering if you guys have some words of wisdom to drop on me about their quality and running abilities.

There's Akane, NWSL, Alco Models and I believe another (NKP?). Obviously the years they were produced will have a bearing on things like details, flanges and motors. I'm not adverse to changing motors or adding/changing the details but want to start with something that runs well to begin with.

bobmorning's picture

Athearn Genesis 1.5 v bulb replacement with LED

Using the factory delivered decoder I am seeing 1.5 v at the Forward head light terminals on the decoder.

I am using 0603 SMD LEDs,  I have tried resistors down to 66 ohm and the LED will not light.  I suspect the 1.5 V is not enough for the LEDs needed forward voltage.

I have tried resistors down to 66 ohms, no joy.

railandsail's picture

Locomotive (Steam & Diesel) Pulling Capability Tests

Locomotive (Steam & Diesel) Pulling Capability Tests

This is not meant to be a detailed analysis of this subject,...there are a number of those in other subject threads on this forum.,..ie, https://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/38742

Rather this a few general observations of the subject I experienced recently.

railandsail's picture

Best Sellers, Santa Fe vs BNSF

When I was growing up many of us were exposed to then Lionel train ads that often picture the infamous Santa Fe paint scheme. When Proto 2K came out with their PA's in that scheme I just had to have a set, even while I was becoming a fan of eastern railroads (B&O, C&O, etc).

That famous color scheme just stuck with me.

railandsail's picture

Rivarossi Allegheny Loco Electrical Pickup

I have a few of these marvelous Allegheny locomotives, and recently decided to sell one of them. The buyer ask if I could test run one of them he was interested in. Since I just got my lower deck up and running, I thought why not run this test on a few of my Alleghenys, included a really heavily weather one I bought years ago and don't recall if i ever tested it.

Coupler height mismatch on diesel.

I have an Athearn GP-7 whose couplers are running about 1/2 coupler height too high (maybe by 1/16"?) as measured by a Kadee coupler height gauge (on a level, straight test track). My freight cars are all measuring at the correct height, so this is proving to be a periodic problem.
Unfortunately, I see no way to adjust them --- does anyone have a workable solution?



bobmorning's picture

HO Scale Brill Doodlebugs

Wathers made one, Bachmann made one, anyone else?   Brasstrains.com only shows 5 offerings and the price tag is "spooky" high.

Many from both Walthers and Bachmann on eBay.  I'm a bit leery of the Bachmann offering due to the split gear issue that was well documented in this MRH thread (https://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/13647).

Looking for a foobie stand-in for a B&O prototype.   Not a rivet counter so door/window configurations aren't a show stopper.

Thanks for your inputs and advice.

railandsail's picture

Traction Tires (& driver wheels that accept them)

A number of us have steam engines that were produced a number of years ago, and may no longer be in production. Some of these locos had traction wheels.

Are there sources for replacement parts,...both tires and wheels?


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