Locos and rolling stock

Bachmann Locomotive Gears, N Scale

Something is terribly wrong with the gears in Bachmann's N scale locomotives.  After a few hours of running, the wheel gears split down the entire length of the shaft.  These gears feature a hollow press-fit feature for the wheel axles; this permits the wheels to be electrically isolated from each other.  When the shaft splits, two of the gear's teeth are split and cause jamming to the drive gear.  Further, the wheels' axles no longer fit correctly.

jhively56's picture

Micro Kristal Klear

Hi all,

I want to glaze some small windows on MOW equipment. I have some Micro Kristal Klear that has gotten thick. Would anyone know of an appropriate thinner?

Thanks for any advice.


DKRickman's picture

Old MDC motor tuneup tips?

I could use some help here folks.  I have an old MDC 2-8-0 (the one with the open frame motor and brass tires) that I recently put a TCS decoder into.  It runs fairly well, but it's noisy.  Can anybody suggest some things that I can do to improve it, short of replacing the motor?  The noise is a high pitched motor whine and is quite annoying.  I'm sure it will never go away, but I'm hoping it might be possible to reduce it to a tolerable level.

Tsunami sound decoder


I am having trouble with Micro-Tsunami TSU 750 decoder that I installed in a DCC ready HO Bachmann 80 ton three truck shay locomotives.

I have yet to connect the speaker as I wanted to see if I had done it right first before modifying things to fit the speaker.

The loco moves forward and in reverse but very slowly and with much noise and the light don't come on.

So I put another locomotive on the track and it works fine. I took the tender apart again and rechecked my soldering work, it appears to be ok.

Sound decoder

Anyone had experience fitting a sound decoder to a Bachman 2-8-0.Mine is the newer release but not a Spectrum.

If so what decoder would be best suited ?

In a pickle with pickle cars

Santa delivered a new pickle salting station to add to my not very diverse logging and mining RR.  At present the longest car on my layout is an old passenger car everything else is < 36' scale length.  Those 4 vat pickle cars look a bit out of place behind my geared steamers- they are too long.  Is there some rule that pickles must roll in 4 vats?  I have scratch built a 3 vat version on an old 30' truss rod flat car which looks better on my tight radius curves.

GE 23 Ton Industrial switcher

Anyone have any experience with the Grandt Line GE 23 Ton locomotives.

I am curious as to how well they run and do they have lighting etc. 


Tore Hjellset's picture

Advanced diesel decoder programming?

I have one diesel loco with sound on my layout. While the sound is great and all, I would like to be able to get it to sound a little more prototypical. What I would love is to have only 8 speed "notches", and the ability to coast (is that the right word?) long distances, and apply the brakes with the push of a button. Is this possible with any type of decoder without having to manually control the engine sounds? Today the loco has a ESU Loksound decoder.

I bought my Mehano 4-6-2

To anybody out there       I am thinking of buying two Mehano4-6-2 locos I know these are not top of the

                                         line locos but you cant beat the price $50.00 each from Trainworld out of NY

kfglover's picture

Interesting 1:1 Loco consist - Part 2

Ok, I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. More interesting locos working in Longmont, Colorado. These two locos were in a lash-up working the same area as my last post like this http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/6465

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