Locos and rolling stock

Is There a More Effective Way to Mask Details for Painting?

I must admit that I am sometimes frustrated with the bleed of paint that gets under my masking tape.  Diesel loco's are the worst for this - I currently use Tamiya modelling tape, which seems superior to regular masking tape - but I still get the occasional wisp of paint from the airbrush showing up on the masked area.

Has anyone discovered a technique or product that could remedy this?  Would love more insight on this matter.


Paint and Decals for NYC Alco FA/B Unit

Maybe someone can help streamline my research here.  My brother recently asked me to repaint and decal an Alco FA and FB unit into New York Central livery.  He wants these two to match another FA that he has that is in the NYC black paint scheme.

Am I correct in thinking that NYC had two different paint schemes at the same time that they were applying to Alco F units?  Is there a particular decal set that would be proper for creating a pair of black coloured F units?

Any direction in this regard would be appreciated.


eufonist's picture

Bachmann 83054 too fast


I bought a Bachmann 83054 Amtrak Acela #650 (N scale). It is decoder equipped. It runs far too fast (~ 300 mph) and I have no idea how to make it slower. It doesn't react on programming the cv's 5 and 6 (max speed and average speed). Nor does it react on programming the cv's 67 to 94 and changing cv 29 accordingly.

Bluesssman's picture

Thank you Jappe!!

I just wanted to thank Jappe for introducing me to oil paints for weathering. They are so much more controllable and predictable as compared to acrylic paint. I think the big difference is the slower drying time.

Thank you, Jappe!!!!


Sperry Rail Car

While searching thru a storage cabinet in my office tonight I came across my Sperry Rail Car that I bought

about 5 years ago from Walthers, I had completly forgot that I had bought it. While looking thru the papers

that came with it it states that you must lubricate the gears and motor before using it.Does anybody out there

Sperry Rail Car

While searching thru a storage cabinet in my office tonight I came across my Sperry Rail Car that I bought

about 5 years ago from Walthers, I had completly forgot that I had bought it. While looking thru the papers

that came with it it states that you must lubricate the gears and motor before using it.Does anybody out there

CN Alco/MLW C630M or M630 Prototype Photos

Hey Folks,

I'm looking for some prototype photos of a CN Alco C630M or MLW M630, with the CN Zebra Stipes, the dirtier the better.

I've been requisitioned to weather the new Bowser HO unit for a customer.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



HO Scale Archbar Trucks w/ Wood Bolsters?

Probably a dumb question, but does anyone manufacture a HO scale arch-bar truck with wood bolsters? (Not HOn3 blush)

kirkifer's picture

European or Hook and Loop Couplers on Rivarossi Passenger Cars


I bought some Rivarossi smoothside streamliners at a show a few years ago. The cars had hook and loop truck mounted couplers on them. Before I do something stupid.... Yeah, that is tough for me to avoid.... Does anyone know anything about the history of these cars/couplers? In other words, are these couplers original Rivarossi equipment? If so, why did Rivarossi put them on their American prototypes? Who used them and why were they desirable? Are they still desirable to some collector?

DKRickman's picture

Did yellow paint streak?

Ever try to figure out colors from an old B&W photo?  The information, in most cases, simply isn't there.  What is there, however, is a collection of clues - the RR only used this color in this scheme, etc.  That's what I'm trying to do here.

Look at this photo:

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