Locos and rolling stock

Chuck P's picture

Genesis F7 underframe?

Is the underframe the same for both the A & B unit? I don't have a parts list. Thanks.


EBay photos

Having recently purchased a number of locos and freight cars on eBay,I have been amazed at the poor standard of pictures submitted by people hoping to sell their items of rolling stock on eBay. As I also had a couple of locos of my own to sell, I decided to see if I could take a reasonable picture without using any fancy equipment or expend too much effort.

Athearn plastic SD45 handrails

Will the RTR plastic handrails fit the older "blue box"  SD45's ??   I heard that the RTR shell is a different mold.  Thanks PK

Roundhousecat's picture

Athearn HO RTR SD40T-2 out of stock?

Just was informed that Athearn had some issues with this recent run. Damaged shipments and very limited availability. I placed my pre order back in September last year and only recently got 1 of the 2 I ordered. Has anyone else had problems with this run? Seems like the Rio Grande and Southern Pacific runs are out of stock. However the Union Pacific and KCS units are still in stock? Did they over sell their quota?

Anyone else had problems getting these?

Just kind of curious............

Equipment for the Coal Branch (1910-1940 coall short line in Alberta, Canadian National)

John Kennedy:,


I am dreaming of building a shelf layout (perhaps three scenes or towns) for a short line which hauled coal from mines in the foothills of ghe Alberta Rockies to the Canadian National main line west of Edmonton. The time period would be roughly 1900-1940. Equipment was small: 4:4:0, 2:6:0 and small gondolas. I expect I would join the scenes with a helix at each end as the trains climb into and out of the mountains.

Chuck P's picture

HO LL/Walthers Proto PA and PB

Are the underframes for the A & B units the same or different parts? Thanks.


Running narrow gauge steam locos backwards - questions and thoughts please

Hi Folks,

I am planning my first layout using 2 foot wide modules, and need to understand issues with running narrow gauge engines backwards - specifically:

    Blackstone 2-8-0
    MDC 2-8-0
    PFM 25 Ton 2 truck Benson

The layout I am hoping to build will be point to point with both SG & NG trackage crossing many trestles and bridges in a very mountainous environment.  

hoffertg's picture


Does anyone know when or if railroads will be switching to digital broadcasting? In the near future I am planning on purchasing a portable scanner to listen to train broadcast and if I would purchase an analog one; how long it would still be effective.

LARGE SCALE : 50ft Railbox

Does anyone make a proper 50ft plug door box car in large scale? I see offerings of Railbox examples but aren't accurate to me (they have roof walks for starters).

It seems pretty hard to represent a modern standard guage shortline in large scale (1:24) these days without resorting to dodgy era combinations.

Is anyone aware of new offerings that I may have missed?

Rob Shilling's picture

Stripping paint from locomtoives / rolling stock

I posted a pic a few days ago of a locomotive that I am trying to strip to then repaint. It is an older Bachmann GP 30. It was originally a Chessie System paint job.  

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