This is great! How can I help spread the word?
This is great! How can I help spread the word?
Short answer: Email all your modeling buddies. Post about us on forums or in your blog. Include one of our banners (below) on your web site or in your signature.
Long answer: The more readers we have, the more advertising dollars we'll get, and the more likely Model Railroad Hobbyist will grow and flourish as a rich media hobby resource that's free!
Email all your model railroading buddies and tell them about us - make sure and include our URL in your email:
Post about us on model railroading forums or in your blog. Or start a blog here on our site - and then tell all your friends about it!
Put one of our banners on your web site, or include one of our banners in your signature:
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Small buttons
The banners look great, but is it possible to create small buttons? I want to place a button on my web forum, but the area I have to put them is very small, too small for the banners. Thanks!
Ohio Valley Free-mo -
Ohio Valley Free-mo Forum -
What size do you need?
What size buttons do you need? How many pixels by how many pixels?
Once we know the dimensions, we can get you some buttons.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Something about 190x75 would be great for the sidebar on my RR blog (and most Wordpress sites with a sidebar).
I plan to make some other sizes
I plan to make and post some other banner sizes in the next few days ...
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Vertical please
A vertical banner would fit my website well. Or a 143w x200h - I have a space opposite my US Army Reserve banner that needs something in it.
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.
Jeff Shultz - My blog index

MRH Technical Assistant
Vertical is good!
Vertical is good!
I've the first banner at my site.
Joe, I like a changing banner. What would be the code for a changing banner? You have three banners!
I can do animated ...
I can do an animated version that cycles through all the banners - and then you can post that one instead.
Lots of great things for us to do!
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Is it time to bug you about this again?
I need some vertical banners!
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.
Jeff Shultz - My blog index

MRH Technical Assistant
Yes, yes ...
I just need to take some time to offer other configurations ... probably won't happen until next week after the op session, however!
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Finally, some vertical formats
Finally got around to creating some vertical banner formats for posting on web sites.
These probably don't work as well for signatures, however ...
Joe, now that issue 1 is out,
now that issue 1 is out, most of the links in the banners take to a presentation of the magazine; I noticed the actual download link is a bit hidden once the user gets on the landing page.
the /current_issue page still announces the first issue, but there's no link to the PDF other than the 10 page preview. I thought you would be interested in this.
Added your banner!!
Dear Joe,
I think you have a totally fabulous magazine... Very forward-thinking and easy to use. When I saw your banners available for website link, I took the liberty to add it to my home page. I am a manufacturer of N scale operating signals and laser cut kits. You can view my website at the following link:
Thank you for making this outlet available to all. I am hoping that with the growth of my business, I will be able to join the generous manufacturers who help support your magazine!
Serge Lebel
The Scale Models Division
Adding Banner
Hello Serge,
I will take the liberty to reply for Joe, I am sure Joe will agree with me in thanking you for the kind words and that you are most welcome to use the banner on your site, as a matter of fact we thank you for doing so. Spreading the word is one way to ensure that the magazine will survive.
On a personal note Serge, you can contact me off line to discuss what we spoke about a while ago, I'm sure you will remember.
Send me an EMail at and let me know when would be the best time to call also include which number I can reach you at.
By the way the products on your website are really great I would recommend all our members to have a look!
Les Halmos
Advertising Account Manager
Modular Columnist
I've had a look
at Serge's website and the products DO look fantastic. I will definitely be ordering some items from him later this year. I highly recommend other N scalers to check out his site as well.
Building a TOMA HO Scale '70s/80s era
I agree.. He has the
I agree..
He has the CP target signals I have been lamenting not being able to find in N. Thats going to be a tremendous help in wiring up the ABS system used on the Lyndonville Sub. Especially important for either side of the helix between St. Johnsbury and Lyndonville!
“If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older.” My modest progress Blog
Horizontal Banner missing
Hi MRH, The souce for my horizontal banners have disapeared. Please could you advise a location to get one?
<a href=""><img width="468" height="60" src="" alt="Lean, mean, green (and free!) - Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine - click to learn more" /></a>
thanks for your help
Ian - we have fixed the URLs ...
We've added a redirect from the old to the new URL locations of the banners, so your old link should now work again.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Just adding a banner and link to my site. Unfortunately your image links in the code above is broken. I got it all fixed for my site, but you might want to have someone check it all.
Michael Carnell - Charleston, SC
My Model Trains
Here's the banner code
Banner 1 ...
Banner 2 ...
Banner 3 ...
Banner 4 ...
Banner 5:
Banner 6:
Seems to work now (after tweaking the code a little) ... also updated the code above - that's what's posted in this post.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Linking to Trainmasters TV?
Is there a banner and link code that can be used to similarly spread the word about TrainMasters TV? I am adding useful links to my recently created personal layout site, and I have added the Model Railroad Hobbyist link(first one added so far) but I would like to add a link to TrainMasters TV as well and having a graphic would of course be preferable to just a text link.
Proprietor - Northern New England Scenic (V3). N scale NH B&M Eastern and western coastal routes in the late 1950s.
TMTV link ... hang on
Okay, hang on, we'll make one.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog