MTM: Michael Paul Smith | Common Ground

Ron Pare's picture

I recognize that I am nobody. My art is created to suit me, my hobby, life. In fact one of the most, ridiculous things I ever heard was, you need to take a break from the Hobby. A hobby is often the only legal self-medicating procedure this world has. And I partake with fervor, so does my new friend.

Well I ask Michael Paul Smith to have a chat about what drives his hobby. And what do you know, we found Common Ground.

You can view more of Michaels work here at

And here is the interview.



All I can say is ...WOW!  I

All I can say is ...WOW!  I didn't listen to the interview, but I could spend a lot of time looking at his work.  The perfect combination of modeling skills, and the photography,  to show it off in his dioramas.


Ron Pare's picture

Thank you Mike. This

Thank you Mike. This interview was supposed to go a real boring route and in our email's we found out we had a lot in common. So Michael encouraged me to relax and make the interview about the character of the modeler. 

If we didn't accomplish that, it doesn't matter. As a feel I met a friend.

Ron Pare
A guy on Youtube, who blogs here, and is a creator of some reviews
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