Ron Pare's blog

Benchtime Podcast #39
I am an avid listener of this podcast and was happy to participate.
The banchtime podcast is an audio-only program that focuses on building models. I liken it to the original Scotty Mason show. Anyways I am pretty happy how it turned out so check it out, please.

O.H. Wright and Co. Bartlet Building, custom diorama build
Life is pretty tough right now. Between the honey-do list, the pt job and the other pt job, I have come to the point where I am actually escaping to build these projects. Fret not though, I believe my best work always comes under duress and this sure feels like duress.

Custom Model from a 70's MR Article
I am currently working on a project that is a wee bit out of the ordinary for me. But as it turns out, right up my alley.
Recently one of my Patrons contacted me about building a diorama scene for them. Thing is the project hailed from a long and drawn out process.
For Todd, it started with a Showcase miniatures kit
For me, it was all about that article.

Grist Mill Diorama build Right On Track Models
While moving I took time to challenge myself with a midweek build.
Please note this build shares how I did it. With a friendly opinion of the kit.
The use of Steel Wool and vinegar stain is something to experiment with.
The fresh stain is very active and will go darker than the older stain I am using.
In fact, I am using the same stain made in the 2014 video.
Kit Link:

Walthers Cornerstone Mountain Lumber Co Build
I rarely ever break out of my comfort zone of wood kits. As I was packing/moving my shop to the new studio I found a few boxed treasures sitting on my "other stuff" shelf.

Monster Modelworks is FOR SALE
Well, not really for sale, the most important point is Jimmy is moving on.
Watch for all the info

Homemade wood stains for model railroading
I made this video way back in 2014. I first made and started using these stains in 2008. This video contains insights into how experienced wood modelers make a stronger stain to be able to work faster.
Warning, these recipes are used actively by me in my work. They do require some practice to make sure you know how they will affect your modeling. Personal experimentation with these solutions are a requirement, especially for newer modelers.

What's neat this week podcast #37
I was invited back to the WNTW show this week. I want to thank Ken and Mike for having me on again.

A model Railroad in Kuwait
I was sent this and the gentleman asked for me to share it. It takes all kinds to make the world go round, and indeed some are model railroaders. Even in the middle east.
This G scale model is in Kuwait

Model give-away, signed by Ken Patterson and Ron Pare
Hello everyone, I reckon some of you would like to join in this contest so here is a link.
No Purchase Required, one week left.
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