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12 episode TOMA build | 3'X5' | Old Bay District

Mon, 2017-03-13 04:05 — Ron Pare
Ok so for the past few years I have made static models for myself. My RR per say has always sat in storage as I do not have the room at home to build a large layout.
So I recently noticed this TOMA movement and realized it would be much like my planned 3X5 movement. The 3X5 is like more cowbell in the band. An extra foot each way give more room for my little land of plenty.
Please enjoy and possibly participate in this thread.
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Ron Pare
A guy on Youtube, who blogs here, and is a creator of some reviews,
Waterfront 3x5 TOMA module, Join the Group
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Ron Pare
A guy on Youtube, who blogs here, and is a creator of some reviews,
Waterfront 3x5 TOMA module, Join the Group
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Ron Pare
A guy on Youtube, who blogs here, and is a creator of some reviews,
Waterfront 3x5 TOMA module, Join the Group
Nothing like bringing pieces together to make a bigger and better scene. Thanks
Thanks for watching Jack! I
Thanks for watching Jack!
I am already working on the next 3X5 plan. Beachfront boardwalk carnival.
Ron Pare
A guy on Youtube, who blogs here, and is a creator of some reviews,
Waterfront 3x5 TOMA module, Join the Group
Glued Ballast MoveExperiment
Glued Ballast Move
Experiment with the tools you use and you may find there are no road blocks
Ron Pare
A guy on Youtube, who blogs here, and is a creator of some reviews,
Waterfront 3x5 TOMA module, Join the Group
You know if there was a song
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Ron Pare
A guy on Youtube, who blogs here, and is a creator of some reviews,
Waterfront 3x5 TOMA module, Join the Group
Now that the water is laid
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Good news is, my next 3X5 is a Carnival layout and the focal point of the project has been purchased and is on its way. I wonder if anyone here knows what it is?
Ron Pare
A guy on Youtube, who blogs here, and is a creator of some reviews,
Waterfront 3x5 TOMA module, Join the Group
What kind of gel?
In your video you keep referring to the "gel" but I must have missed what kind of gel your using. Your TP proccess looks like its more controlable for the shape of the waves than others I've seen. Can't wait to see it with the mystery gel dry.
Liquitex Gloss Gel Medium.
Liquitex Gloss Gel Medium, thanks for pointing that out. It is good to be reminded of things I can improve on. Especially when it is shared kindly. Thanks for that too.
My videos are a journal of activity, rather than a true tutorial. I often make mistakes in these video's and then solve the mysteries sooner or later, also on camera.
Have you ever followed a tutorial from someone and then find it has a fatal flaw in the process? I have found these details are fudged or overlooked in the process of writing the article or making the video.
As Ken Patterson told me, with Ron Pare, what you see is what you get.
Thanks for watching
Ron Pare
A guy on Youtube, who blogs here, and is a creator of some reviews,
Waterfront 3x5 TOMA module, Join the Group