DC - Electrical

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Bench DC power supply safety?

I am shopping for a DC power supply to use to power all of my NCE Switch8 Mk2 boards that will run all my tortoise switch machines.  I don't like the idea of using an internal power supply because of the potential exposure to 110V inputs or the need to put in an enclosure.  I prefer something already enclosed with built in circuit protection and a power cord for the AC input power. 

I was thinking of splurging on this:

From the ISE Workbench - Train Shuttle Controller

A bit over four years ago, we put together something called the “DCC auto-reverser” out of an Arduino, an LCD shield, and a motor shield. We designed it for the St. Louis Railway Prototype Modelers’ meet to just operate a train back and forth on our short test track, stopping and reversing the engine when it tripped a sensor at either end. We wrote up the build so that others could make their own, built one for Scott Thornton and his Milan Branch layout, and that was that.

Walthers turnouts machines and switches

I am looking at getting some walthers turnout machines for my layout and since I am a college student I am wanting to save where I can. The button/switch that you push to tell the machine to switch the turnout is around $15 and I was wondering that if I could replace that with a simple switch such as an SPDT (Or other switch if that's what will work better).

model railroad animation 14 by geoff

can you put a wiring diagram on ? new at this electrical , but have all components 

need help powering my track

ok so i have a DC N scale track layout that sits on a 2x4 sheet of MDF that i picked up at home depot. the layout is fairly large, i should mention the track used is from the 60's-80s so its not DCC track i.e. only one engine at a time can run on the track. now onto my issue


Rob Paisley 2011 Grade Crossing PCB

I have been trying for a couple of weeks to get a hold him via email. They are not bouncing back so address must still be good. Has anybody know how to get hold of him in a different way. Also if any one has one of his boards that could take a photo of the back side it would be great. I have figure out most of the runs but there is a couple of areas that have me in a pickle.

Bob C

Automate a Point to Point Model Railroad with Arduino

If you want to get started in model railroad automation, then a basic point to point layout can be a good place to start other than an oval loop. Arduino is a great platform for these projects, due to low-cost and open-source hardware and free software. 

An Unusual way of Controlling a Model Railroad with a Mobile Phone

Back then when I was looking for new ways of controlling a model railroad, I remembered using DTMF for remote control, combined with a low-cost Arduino microcontroller, I was all set to use it for controlling a model railroad.


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