MRH 2018-08 - Web downloader
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Important Note:
All modern HTML5 compliant browsers automatically save the PDF to your device when you click the link. However, in the case of Internet Explorer (PC) or older versions of Safari (Mac), you need to do the following to get the PDF to download instead of display in the browser.
INTERNET EXPLORER USERS (PC): Please right click and select "Save target as" to save the PDF directly to your device instead of opening it in your browser.
SAFARI USERS (Mac): Please hold down the OPTION key when clicking to force Safari to download the PDF instead of display it in the browser. However, as of Safari 11 (released Jan 2018), Mac Safari DOES support the download attribute via a direct click. Safari on iOS still does not support the direct click, however.
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Please follow our iOS download help
Please follow our iOS download help here:
Bottom line, downloading really large files within a browser on a mobile device can be an iffy proposition. Getting and using a download manager app is much better — we recommend GoodReader for iOS devices.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Embedded Version
Did I miss something? Isn't there supposed to be an embedded version?
You missed it alright ...
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
unsecure site warning
love your site BUT how about catching up with modern security and make it https ? im getting an unsecure site warning with i sigh in....and that,s not a good thing
It is in the works. Part of the problem is advertisers who don't use it yet. With the click-counter redirect, it just doesn't work right yet.
TrainMasters TV and any part of MRH that deals with money is HTTPS.
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.
Jeff Shultz - My blog index

MRH Technical Assistant
Jeff is right ... before we move this site to https, we need to move our ad server to https. Moving our ad server software to https requires an advertisers destination site to be https as well. Roughly half our advertisers are still plain http even though we’ve been warning them to get moved. Once we pull the switch on our site, we will have to cancel the ads for non https destination URLs because our ad server will no longer serve them.
MRH has been seeing attrition in ads as it is thanks to other internet venues such as Google, Facebook, and YouTube being cheaper and in some ways more effective than MRH ads. Pulling the plug on half our advertisers isn’t going to help the magazine at all.
We get WHY the move to https ... it’s just that so many of the small hobby vendors we serve do good to have a website, much less get the ins and outs of the technical savvy needed to move their site to https.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog