Things aren't working well this issue, can you please fix it?
First, there's some immediate trouble-shooting you can do. If you contact us, this is what we'll tell you, so if you want to save some time, try the steps below before you contact us.
Also, there's a lot more you can do on your end to troubleshoot the problem, and possibly get it working better.If you contact us, these steps are the first thing we will tell you to do, so you might as well try them first before contacting us.
To perform these trouble-shooting steps, have you:
- Tried other issues on the MRH website or other versions (portrait instead of landscape)? Can you get anything to work better?
- Tried a different browser? Browsers are free, so no reason to not always have a second one installed for debugging purposes like this.
- Tried doing a hard reset/reboot on your device? Not only try a restart, but do a complete power recycle as well.
- Tried a different device? Desktop computer and smartphone, for instance.
- Also try these troubleshooting steps: help/problems-accessing-new-issue
and try: help/download-stopped-working
Finally, make sure your system has not gotten infected with malware accidentally. We're pretty web savvy and we had an office computer (Windows 7) get badly infected with malware and web browser performance tanked, the computer would unexpectedly go to shopping sites when we clicked certain hyperlinks, etc.
We used the SpyHunter software package to scan our system and it found over a thousand little spyware leeches buried in our system that had slowly been building up for months. We purchased the full package ($20) and in about 30 minutes we had a squeaky clean, fast web browsing experience again.
Once you're tried all these steps and if nothing has helped, please contact us and give us the details listed below. From this information and the fact you've already tried the trouble-shooting steps above, we will have a good deal of information with which to diagnose and solve the problem.
When reporting a problem to us, we need to know:
- What kind of device (PC, Mac, tablet model, phone model)
- What system and version (Windows 7, Mac OS 10.7, Android 4.1.1, IOS 7.1, etc.)
- What browser and version (Internet Explorer 10, Firefox 25, Chrome 31, Safari 6.04)
- Describe the problem with more detail than "it doesn't work" or "it's slow". For example, say, "I click the start reading button and I just get a blank screen." or "I try to download the issue and it just spins, the issue never comes up."
- Tell us what version of the magazine you are trying to access - standard edition, embedded edition, portrait, landscape - we could have a problem that's isolated to just one version.
- Also tell us where you're located. Things may be slower in South Africa than in Denver Colorado, for example.
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Uploading from my computer to my iPad
I am getting a message that the January edition exceeds 50 mb which is apparently the limit to upload via Kindle to an i Pad. I uploaded the December 2014 without any problems.
Computer to iPad
I use Dropbox to upload issues from my computer to my iPad. Plus I use Goodreader on the iPad to access Dropbox and read the issues. No file size limitations.
Get GoodReader for your iPad.
I use it all the time to download and read each issue. I have a wireless network at home. I never have an issue doing it that way. There is a small learning curve on downloading. Also, make sure you download the copy that doesn't use flash. I download the biggest embedded file without issue.
I had a Kindle Fire. It drove me nuts using it to read the eMag and surf the forum. Plus there were other sites that didn't work correctly. I was about to put it through the wall. My wife saw my frustration and bought me an iPad mini. All the issues I had with the Kindle didn't exist on the iPad. I gave the Kindle to my son.
Dennis Austin located in NW Louisiana
Using Goodreader: what URL can I use for download synch?
I'm new to Goodreader (recommended by Joe F.). Joe said it was easy, but I can only download a single issue by its unique URL in the browser. What server URL can I use to synchronize (download option)?
I don't mind visiting the site regularly, but I want to dl each issue automatically when it is available and I'm on my wifi. That does not seem too much to ask, does it?
Dave Bott models the A&Y in HO
You don't know what you're asking - its a BAD idea
That takes software to make this happen - on your end and on ours. Software is written by programmers and programmers are not free.
We've never elected to spend the money for this because we have a philosophical problem with this idea. Think about what you're asking - you're asking us to automatically put stuff on your device without your involvement.
Philosophically, that is a very dangerous request with content coming to you from the internet. Because this is so dangerous, web browsers deliberately require YOUR INTERVENTION before putting anything from the internet on your device. For us to circumvent this built-in protections is not easy, and not easy means it's expensive and takes some tricky programming to deliberately side-step your browser's safe-guards.
So philosophically, this is very dangerous and could get us into all kinds of hot water if your web-connected device ever got compromised. How would you know our automatic software that never needs your intervention didn't do it? We would rather not even allow for such a possibility, so no we won't make it easy for your device to get new stuff put on it without your intervention.
If you don't want to download the magazine, then read it online. Nothing needed on your part except go to and click "Start reading".
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
What made you select that over other offerings such as Malwarebytes? When I google Spyhunter I get some hits that are not what I'd call particularly complimentary (though some are).
Times change
We wrote this answer back in 2010 and at the time, Spyhunter seemed to be a good choice. Recently we had a computer glitch on one of our systems and tracked it back to Spyhunter corrupting some OS files, so we removed it.
Now that all this water has passed under the bridge here 5 years later, it's probably time for a change. We will reopen the question of what malware cleaner to select and update our recommendation.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
I'm asking you to put the latest version in one known and unchanging folder so I can download without having to enter a new URL each month. That is customer service. I still control whether I want the risk or not. I have to set it up. I have to start the app. I just don't have to pick or type a specific URL each time. That doesn't take any new software or programming that you don't already have.
There are plenty of examples of such setups on tighter shoestring budgets than MRH, even railroad modeling newsletters, where one folder is fixed, but contents are added and/or removed to keep current. Never had a virus or undetected problem.
This request has nothing to do with security risks or philosophy in any practical sense. Whether I manually specify a specific URL or check it automatically for new contents, the file name alone won't tell me if there is a virus or malware, neither will changing the URL each month. Either my device has malware detectors or it doesn't. Just visiting a web URL is a risk. Philosophically, I should never use the Internet and buy paper magazines then. But isn't your whole business model based on visiting and using the Internet? The philosophy should be knowing the risks you take and making informed choices.
i guess we'll just continue to disagree.
Dave Bott models the A&Y in HO
Okay, I get it, sort of
Okay, that's not what I heard you saying before - this is clearer. In that case, it sounds like you are saying you can browse to something like:
Right? Now that does mean once you download it, you will have to rename it. If we instead make it:
This means the URL changes, and that does not meet your criteria.
Strictly speaking, the magazine is in one unchanging folder each month ... ... with subfolders for each month after that ... mrh-2015-09-sep, mrh-2015-10-oct, etc. Not sure I see how that is so complicated? Your unchanging URL idea does mean the name of the issue can't change either, because that's part of the URL. If you can deal with the name of the magazine changing, then how's that any different from the subfolder containing the magazine changing since you never type this in - you just click a link.
Guess I'm missing what the big deal with clicking a download link is? Whether we name it "current issue" or name it something different each month, it's still clicking a download link. If we did what you suggest, calling it "current issue" each month, then that's MORE WORK to have an unchanging URL because you will need to rename the magazine upon download every month.
If instead we change the name of each issue, then the URL has changed and it makes your point moot.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
I'm happy with the existing
I'm happy with the existing process to download the magazines. For me it's just a few clicks and choosing the destination folder on my computer and that's it.
The Richlawn Railroad Website - Featuring the L&N in HO / MRH Blog / MRM #123
Mt. 22: 37- 40
Is this what you want?
How about this?
We could update this alias to always point at the current issue. If this is all you are asking for, then it's simple. We can do it, sure.
Today, all you need to do to get this same behavior is visit our home page each month and click "Get current issue" which does exactly the same thing.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
I want the URL of the folder to remain static. The file names are of no concern. I would like to "peek in the window", I.e., look in a single folder, and see what contents are new. I don't have to remember whether it's April or December to know if I'm in the right place or not. I take a look at one folder and see if anything new is there. I apologize about the fact that I forgot a URL can refer to a file as well as a folder.
i was trying to follow your advice in using Goodreader from a post several months ago. You said it could automate downloads and slice bread (ok I exaggerate, but you led me to believe it was as great as sliced bread and worth paying for the app when Safari failed to download big files). You stated the editorial and production team use it to automate much of MRH work. So I bought it, expecting to be able to program it so my next issue appears when I start the app and point it at MRH's site. I like to read on my iPad, which is wifi only, so I need to download not read online. I believed (apparently erroneously) that I could use Goodreader like I do with podcasts (auto check and download latest content on wifi so I can read at my leisure). Apparently I misunderstood.
I am often a few weeks to a month late downloading the latest MRH because the email announcement gets buried in my inbox, I remember to look when I have no wifi, and because it's a hobby and I don't feel it is as important as my job or family or church. If that kind of delay in access is ok with you and advertisers, then we're good. I just hoped for something that seemed to easy to meet with existing technology and would further my enjoyment and maybe help me hit sales at advertisers before they expire. I'm sure that your system works great for almost all your existing readers. I just asked (badly) if you could help me. I thought if I'm having problems, others might be too. And if no one asked, you'd just be missing on that segment, and we would be missing out on MRH too.
Dave Bott models the A&Y in HO
Joe said "Today, all you need
Joe said "Today, all you need to do to get this same behavior is visit our home page each month and click "Get current issue" which does exactly the same thing."
I can't seem to do this with Goodreader. Maybe I should give up on it and just browse to it with Safari. Have they fixed the big file problem?
Dave Bott models the A&Y in HO
Safari works
fine for me I use it all the time, Chrome is actually worse.
Hate to be dense
When I copy and paste that URL in Goodreader it downloads the html page with links, and the links don't work. Just give up on me.
Thanks for trying.
Dave Bott models the A&Y in HO
Don't give up
What goodreader wants is a url to a file or folder to look for new content to automatically or manually sync too. The current new issue link points to the page where you then choose how you want to access the magazine (read online, or download) and what format (portrait/landscape/standard/embedded). Those links on that page to MRH change with each month. If a folder is created that doesn't change and then update a link in the folder to point to the current issue (or put a copy there), that should work.
If you have four URLs which don't change and then when MRH is published a link is put in those folders to the current issue location, it should be available for a goodreader user to sync too, either manually or automatically.
If Joe created four folders with the following urls, a goodreader user would point to them for sync:
Then each folder could contain the current issue as a link to where it actually resides or a copy if needed, using the October issue for example:
In folder current-issue-landscape you would have 68.MRH15-10-Oct2015-L.pdf that links to
In folder current-issue-portrait you would have 68.MRH15-10-Oct2015-P.pdf that links to
In folder current-issue-landscape-embedded you would have 68.MRH15-10-Oct2015-LE.pdf that links to
In folder current-issue-portrait-embedded you would have 68.MRH15-10-Oct2015-PE.pdf that links to
I don't use goodreader, I am just basing this off my reading of their manual here:, and my general knowledge of computers and webservers.
Why does it not work with safari?
All the time i downloaded the magazine with safari on my mac. But when i switched to OSX 11, El Capitan, it refused the download. I tried it with Firefox and "tataaaaaa" it works. Any idea, when it will even run with safari?
Please excuse my bad american/english but it´s not my mothertongue.
No issues here
with El Capitan and Safari.
HO - Western New York - 1987 era "When your memories are greater than your dreams, joy will begin to fade."
Just follow these steps exactly ...
Follow these steps exactly ..
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Okay, the following unchanging paths have been set up
Okay, the following unchanging paths have been set up:
These default to the PDF versions indicated and if you use them, you will always get the latest issue via an unchanging URL path.
We've also created:
This URL goes to the master landing page for the current issue, at which point you can read the online edition, select the web downloader, or access the aging and sometimes buggy flash downloaders.
Please note, these all use 301 redirects, which some browsers flag as suspicious. That's because spammers use 301 redirects frequently to make you think you're going to your bank account or Paypal, when in fact you're going to their look-alike site and tricking you into giving your login credentials. Just so you know what you're asking for - some browsers will pop up warnings when you access these URLs because 301 redirects can be misused.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Safari and El Capitan
We've upgraded our office machines to El Capitan and have no problems using Safari to download the magazine.
However, in searching the web, there's a huge outcry from Mac users about Safari under El Capitan causing problems, especially with download links. Our guess is Apple somehow introduced some bugs into Safari and depending on how your Mac is configured and what other software you're using on it, you could be one of the "lucky ones" who finds Safari now doesn't work well.
The advice being given if Safari is causing you problems is: temporarily move to Firefox. Firefox seems to work as always under El Capitan where Safari does not work great right now for some Mac users who have upgraded to El Capitan. We expect Apple will find and fix the problem in a future version, but for now, this is the workaround.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Not sure I understand much in this thread........... I just traded a 2 year old flip phone for an iPhone 6s plus (old eyes) and after fooling with it for 2 days, downloaded the MRH app and read the latest issue with no problem. Are we making "much ado over nothing", or perhaps a "Tempest in a Teapot" about this? Isn't the MRH app available to all devices?
Hey, if anyone told me I could watch TV on this, I'd have got one a lot sooner!
Just tried the App for iPad. Works fine and is up to date to February. Will check later for March. In March P 91 great article on a new style brick "paper" on basswood.
March issue now up on the app
The March issue is now up on the app ... sometimes it can take a bit to refresh.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
My method
Not for most here. I use Linux Mint 17 as an operating system. No anti virus needed. I download into my PC each month. I have the folders made.
I use the latest Firefox.
April issue can't be saved or opened
I am using a Samsung S5 with Android 5.1.1 software. I struggled to get March to save, but no luck with April. I've,tried all of your suggestions with the exception of the hard restart. I'd lose all my documents and apps.
I can open and read the edition just fine, but when I try to download it, I get a message that there is no app that will open it. I've been using Adobe Reader for several years without difficulty. I've tried all the available download options. What to do?
Scott Groff
Scott Groff
Lacey, WA
ezPDF on Android
It's odd that it won't even let you download it, since my Motorola Droid Turbo with 5.1 doesn't seem to argue with me regarding downloading stuff I don't have an app to open.
I use ezPDF to read PDF files on my phone (and my tablets). It costs a couple bucks, but I don't think I've found anything that'll stump it yet.
Dumb question: Have you checked that you have enough free space available to download it?
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.
Jeff Shultz - My blog index

MRH Technical Assistant
ezPDF Reader
For Android devices, you want to get ezPDF reader. It will download and display MRH magazine PDFs just great.
As Jeff asks, make sure you have enough free space to save the PDFs. Also, on tablets or smartphones, use the Standard edition. The Embedded edition is for Windows PCs with lots of disk space. The Embedded edition gives you nothing extra on mobile devices and it's a space hog.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Samsung S5, no problems here
I'm using a Samsung S5, Android 5.1.1 and no problem downloading, saving or opening the latest edition here with 'stock' Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Latest Issue - no problems
No problems downloading and saving the latest edition to my ipad or imac running the latest os and safari.
Thanks to the MRH team for the great read.