What’s on your workbench?

I’m starting to think about home.  What is on my workbench?   Cleaned up before leaving....   Gotta rely on your pictures and thoughts!!!

Let’s go!!!  Have a good!!!

What's on the workbench...

Dear MRHers,


those who know will understand...

(no, it's not a "transfer caboose")

Happy modelling, 

Aim to Improve ,

Prof Klyzlr 

Passenger Car

Started working on a JC Models Passenger car kit.   JC Model Kit


Accurail 36'

Not quite 100% correct, change grab irons for ladders, Plano Carmer cut levers, Tahoe trucks, AB brakes.

Warflight's picture

Being Jewish and all...

I couldn't resist picking this beauty up!

I had it with me (in pieces) at the hotel when I was doing ConDorCon, but I didn't get around to it, and I just got it out of my luggage a couple of days ago... I have already replaced the couplers with Kadee whisker couplers (I have a box full of them) and the wheels with Intermountain wheels (I need to go to Reed's Hobbys and pick up another couple of bags of them)

I think tomorrow, I'm going to finish it... add some break detail, figure out the ice hatches, and maybe even do some weathering.

Now, to see if anyone ever made a Manischewitz box car! Ooh... or Hebrew National! (all of my cars are "kosher"... so no pork products cars... my rabbi would have a FIT!)

Dolly's Confectionary

Here is my Bar Mills' Dolly's Confectionary in HO.  Just about done. Needs some more trim, the details parts (chimney, gooseneck lamps) and weathering.  I'm very happy with the build.

George (Opa) Nagle

Tiger Mountain Barge & Navigation Co. (build 3)

Harrisburg, PA

BR GP30 2300's picture


Two current projects on my modelbench...........a corrugated metal fence and an old Ambroid Lehigh & Hudson River Flanger.

First I had to make a

First I had to make a workbench so I made this 2ft x 4ft one out of scrap this morning. Only had to buy casters.

Putting together all sorts of goodies including two Roundhouse Canadian National Jenny Ore cars, an Osborn Models Gazebo, and a City Classics Diner. 

My seven year old will be painting his Pinewood Derby car on the bench later today.

Dan Pugatch
Freelance HO Scale Layout Breakwater Branch: Connecting the Maine Coast to the World set in the 1980s
Pelsea's picture

Nice bench...

Especially for one made from scraps. One suggestion-- don't use a magnet to hold files. You will regret that the first time you file iron or steel. Drill some holes in a block of wood to drop the handles into, and screw the wood to your pegboard.


I am building a layout. It

I am building a layout. It won't fit on my work bench.  smiley

Thanks for the tip!

Thanks for the tip!

Dan Pugatch
Freelance HO Scale Layout Breakwater Branch: Connecting the Maine Coast to the World set in the 1980s

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