MRH 2017-11 - Web downloader
Using Internet Explorer or Safari? See important note below.
STANDARD EDITION EMBEDDED EDITION* *Embedded edition includes all media files inside PDF (much larger) |
STANDARD EDITION EMBEDDED EDITION* *Embedded edition includes all media files inside PDF (much larger) |
Problems accessing the issue? Follow these troubleshooting steps ...
Important Note:
All modern HTML5 compliant browsers automatically save the PDF to your device when you click the link. However, in the case of Internet Explorer (PC) or older versions of Safari (Mac), you need to do the following to get the PDF to download instead of display in the browser.
INTERNET EXPLORER USERS (PC): Please right click and select "Save target as" to save the PDF directly to your device instead of opening it in your browser.
SAFARI USERS (Mac): Please hold down the OPTION key when clicking to force Safari to download the PDF instead of display it in the browser. However, as of Safari 10.1 (released Mar 26, 2017), Safari DOES support the download attribute via a direct click.
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Question for the IT Gurus about reading on a computer.....
I always liked to use the forum's "read this article" of the subjects I am interested it such as DCC Impulses. I have a PC lap top running Windows 10 and like Firefox as my browser. In the past it was always a bit of a pain reading it this way as you had to make it bigger to read, then smaller to change the page but it was doable. Now it's impossible as the drag page down only makes it bigger and the size bar stays on over the print.
Have things changed or am I doing something wrong, or both? I know I should get a tablet but I like my lap top and would like to continue to use it.
Interesting to read of
Interesting to read of Peter's troubles getting the monthly download to read properly. Having ticked the relevant box to get these downloads, I've stopped getting them and am relying on a friend to send me a link each month.
That's using a laptop, running Windows 7 Ultimate and using Firefox - the same as I've been using for more than 12 months.
Gwent Rail
For some reason, notifications for your account had been turned off.
I've turned them back on again. You should get tomorrow's email in the morning.
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.
Jeff Shultz - My blog index

MRH Technical Assistant
Peter - herronp
I'm not sure what you mean here - The size of your browser window does determine the physical size of the magazine view.
You can click on the magazine (as long as you aren't on a hyperlink spot) and it will zoom in. You can move your mouse/finger on trackpad to move around the zoomed page, and if you have a scrollwheel or equivalent you can change the amount of zoom.
If the size bar you mean is the slider at the top, that's to allow you to determine the level of zoom - just like with a scrollwheel. Although it is still zoomed in at it's lowest setting.
Here is my view of the online view of MRH normally in Firefox:
And a zoomed in view (note that if I can see the "turn the page" carets, I can turn the page, even at this zoom:
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.
Jeff Shultz - My blog index

MRH Technical Assistant
A couple of corrections
1) The first pair of photos in "Yes, It's a model" have no name as to who submitted them.
2) When viewing on my iPad, I've noticed a "glitch" at the bottom of the pages. It appears that different fonts and colors are overlayed on top of each other or something. This started last month and happened again with the Nov issue. It's on the bottom of each page like this. Here's a screen grab from the newest issue:
And here's from last month:
Each month, I downloaded the Standard Landscspe version of MRH from the web downloader. I'm viewing on an IPad Pro iOS 10.3.2
Thanks for the replies everyone but here is...............
...............what I see in my window.
I want to read this article: (without downloading everything which I used to be able to do 2 months ago)
Below is what I see when I click to read this article:
When I click to zoom in I see this:
And when I try to read this it will not scroll down, click and drag down or any other way move. I can un-zoom and go to the next page but when I zoom it cannot be moved.
Hope this helps you figure out what is going on.
Big objects
Those are some really big black objects - they aren't intended to be that size. The one at the top is actually supposed to be rather small, and unless you have your mouse over it, or to start it the downward caret at the top, it is supposed to retract into the top, largely out of site. The other four directional carets are supposed to be quite small as well.
Are you running any sort of adaptive software on Windows10 or in Firefox for large print or ease of reading? I'm wondering if we are experiencing a bad interaction between programs.
At this point I also wonder if it wouldn't be easier to download the monthly issue and read it in Adobe Reader or Foxit?
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.
Jeff Shultz - My blog index

MRH Technical Assistant
Try it again ...
This looks like PDF layers, which has been turned on the last couple issues. Those layers are supposed to be hidden, but it doesn't look like the iPad is that smart. So we re-exported with PDF layers turned off, so try re-downloading and looking at the issue on the iPad again.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
That fixed it
Turning the layers off did the trick. After I posted that, I realized that my iOS needs to be updated. Not sure if iOS 11 will make a difference or not (I'm still holding out on 11 for a bit longer)
Jeff, for some reason...................
..........when I open the article the number at the top jumps to 290%! When I hit it to 0% it goes to "normal" and I can read it fine. Seems that increases the size of all the objects but not the print size. I usually read the forum page at 120 to 150% for larger print. Thanks for the tip, I'll play aound with it..............