MRH 2017-05 - Web downloader
Using Internet Explorer or Safari? See important note below.
STANDARD EDITION EMBEDDED EDITION* *Embedded edition includes all media files inside PDF (much larger) |
STANDARD EDITION EMBEDDED EDITION* *Embedded edition includes all media files inside PDF (much larger) |
Problems accessing the issue? Follow these troubleshooting steps ...
Important Note:
All modern HTML5 compliant browsers automatically save the PDF to your device when you click the link. However, in the case of Internet Explorer (PC) or Safari (Mac), you need to do the following to get the PDF to download instead of display in the browser.
INTERNET EXPLORER USERS (PC): Please right click and select "Save target as" to save the PDF directly to your device instead of opening it in your browser.
SAFARI USERS (Mac): Please hold down the OPTION key when clicking to force Safari to download the PDF instead of display it in the browser. However, as of Safari 10.1 (released Mar 26, 2017), Safari DOES support the download attribute via a direct click.
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Downloading May '17 or any back issues either
Tried all of your download suggestions. I used to be able to get MRH with Flashdownloader using an old XP OS, PC. Tried that too again on that old machine. Also tried using Windows 7 Home; Tried three different browsers - Chrome, FireFox, IE. Tried main server, back up server. Nadda.... Down load starts, sometimes goes up to half-way, then I get "error code 2308 (on any of these combinations). " Just started this problem after May 1, 2017. Also tried to get back-issue copies; same problem. I down load PDF docs from different on-line sites with no problems. Got any more suggestions? Thanks. Andy Powshok
Are you only using the flash downloader?
Please try the standard Web Downloader instead.
It is possible that your system, unsupported by Microsoft, has tripped a security check somewhere.
You might also check on the Flash storage size - see the third item on this Adobe forum post:
Modeling a fictional GWI shortline combining three separate areas into one freelance-ish railroad.
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MRH Technical Assistant
Stop using the Flash downloader
The Flash downloader is very old and can be a problem. Flash as a web technology is broadly on the way out today, so please move to the Web downloader instead.
The latest versions of all major browsers now honor the download attribute on links, so that's by far the most reliable way to download MRH.
We will be removing the Flash downloader completely one of these days now that all browsers have implemented the download attribute on links. We're just giving folks some time to get on the latest version of their favorite browsers.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
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