April Derailments humor/bizarre facts

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April Derailments humor/bizarre facts - Model trains - MRH column April 2014Click to read this in landscape orientation … Click to read this in portrait orientation …







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Dave O's picture

Unbelievable ...

I'm just shaking my head wondering how one goes about explaining what happened there to the boss!  You are sent out to clean up a derailment, and by the end of the day, you've managed to lay the clean up train on its side as well!  Talk about a very bad day ... heh.  Thanks for sharing.

Nelsonb111563's picture


It goes to show that you can't fix stupid!

Nelson Beaudry

Kennebec, Penobscot and Northern RR Co.

Law of involuntary reactions

That's what can happen if:

1- You convert to metric gauge a standard gauge loco

2- Try to do things in what you believe is the easy way instead of the right way

3- Goes in a penny wise pound foolish kind of thinking (I'll save the company some $$ if I do not hire a crane to clear the wreck, but it ends up worse than it began)

Daniel Kramer

Currently wondering what my next layout should be...


Nelsonb111563's picture

Like I said................

Ya can't fix stupid! Ayuh!

Nelson Beaudry

Kennebec, Penobscot and Northern RR Co.

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