Home / MRH issue 5 - Jan/Feb 2010 - Alternative download
MRH issue 5 - Jan/Feb 2010 - Alternative download
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EMBEDDED EDITION PC: MRH Issue 5 (129 MB PDF file) Need more assistance? Click here ... |
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Legacy download for issue 5
Legacy download for issue 5 has been turned on ... HOWEVER
This is an early sneak-peek release candidate of just the Standard Edition for those of you who are willing to do some final testing for us.
Please click on all the links and make sure the issue works as advertised, with these exceptions:
1. The comment links will give you an Oops screen unless you are staff.
2. The printer friendly edition and the embedded edition are copies of issue 4 - they're not yet issue 5 so don't waste your time trying to download them!
3. The bonus downloads are the ones from issue 4 - they have not yet been updated.
With any feedback we get we will make corrections and then release the offical version of issue 5 in all it's forms on Monday, January 4th.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Looks Like An Excellent Issue
I've only quickly scanned the issue and tried a few links. Some of the advertiser links work, most don't. The comments links don't give an "oops", they just don't work. Most of what I'm seeing on links is a large somewhat faint "+" . It just occurred to me that a pointer to a dead link should be very similar to that little hand that will open a link. The only difference would be that it would be the middle finger that's stretched to full length. That would be a clear sign that it ain't gonna work.
It's a bit late for reading in depth, but overall, I think you guys have done another very good job. Furthernore, when you go into subjects, they're dealt with in great depth. I really like that.
I'll load the full working copy on Monday.
and, to crown their disgraceful proceedings and add insult to injury, they threw me over the Niagara Falls, and I got wet.
From Mark Twain's short story "Niagara"
Joe, is the click-n-spin feature supposed to be active on this "sneak peak" edition? I have the latest versions of Adobe Reader and Adobe Flash, but when I click the image on the last page of my article it deosn't spin...
Ken Larsen
Hang on, uploading the right file this time!
We accidentally posted an issue from about a week ago, so most of it doesn't work and has holes.
We'll post the correct release candidate soon ... stay tuned.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Okay, try it now!
We've got the right version uploaded now, so the release candidate of issue 5 Standard Edition is now available using the legacy downloader.
Let us know how it looks ....
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Yep, that did the trick
The image now spins, but it opened in a separate Firefox window - even though I was viewing a downloaded copy of the PDF via Adobe Reader on my C: drive. Is there still a newer version of this issue that will keep the spinning image within the local PDF?
Ken Larsen
Unfortunately I couldn't get it to spin! Downloaded about 10' ago and opened up the PDF copy but a seperate window opened via Internet Explorer but it just locked up when I clicked on the 'spin'.
Deadwood City Railroad, modeling a Santa Fe branch line in the 1960's!
Tried again, this time without the Internet open in the background. This time it opened up IE with the link and when I clicked on the spin it came up with a white area surrounded by the normal MRH border and a link to Quicktime too. That gave me even less.
Maybe its an IE problem if Ken opened it up via Firefox (or its me.....)?
Deadwood City Railroad, modeling a Santa Fe branch line in the 1960's!
This looks good
Joe, Patty and the MRH staff.
This issue looks very good. I have been able to open most links (all?) in my webbrowser (Firefox 3.5.6 -norwegian) when clicking on the links in the magazine. There is however a slight blink like a negative of the magazine when I click on the link.
There is lots of interesting stuff here. I have just read very little, but browsed through the issue.
Even that I am not planning to build a turntable, there seems to be a lot of good tips in Les Halmos' article, and the new (at least for me) Tap Connector looks very interesting.
The new sponsor Fos Scale Models has a nice site. You can even learn how to bake good cookies! I liked the preview of their DVDs. Yes, I have Joes DVDs and even the Paul Scoles DVDs. And got one of Pelle Soeborgs books as a christmas gift. It is good to watch and learn different approaches to layoutbuilding and scenery.
Keep up the good work and thank you for giving us the MRH.
Happy new year to all of you!
Brian and Ken - on the click-n-spins ...
Brian and Ken - on the click-n-spins, scroll down and at the bottom, click the link to try the Quicktime version instead. See if that doesn't work better for you than the flash version.
These click-n-spins are all full-page - that means they're all large enough you'll need to give it up to 60 seconds for the page to set there while the click-n-spins load.
This version is the Standard Edition - it leaves all the rich media on the internet so when you click on some media, it opens up a web broswer window with the media in it. You need to pay attention to what's happening with your browser window and make sure you don't get it behind the magazine or you might miss the fact the media's even there.
I have two monitors so I find it helps to have the magazine in one monitor and the web browser open in the other monitor. If you have only one monitor, don't make either the browser or the magazine full screen but near full-screen and overlap them slightly so you can click on each to go back and forth between them.
The full Embeded edition will be coming out later today - it has all the media embedded inside the PDF, and it primarily works on PCs. You can get the embedded edition to work on a Mac if you don't mind downloading the Adobe Reader bloatware and being careful not to make it your default PDF reader in place of the Mac's much more lean native preview reader.
Because of the hassles with Adobe Reader on Macs, we recommend the Standard Edition for Mac users.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog