Warflight's blog

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So, I'm watching the movie "Unstoppable", and thanks to my time here at MRH, I actually know what everyone is talking about!

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Who is new, and who is back?

I am seeing a lot of folks who are "back" at this hobby after several decades, and a lot of folks new to this hobby as well, so I'm curious as to how many people here ARE new to the hobby? How many people were in this hobby before, but are now back?

On an unrelated note: How did you folks hear about Model Railroad Hobbyist?

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(somebody started a thread just titled "Alco", and my Baldwins were getting a bit jealous)

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TMTV requests...

Probably already done, and I missed it, but... here goes anyway...

Weathering: Plastic buildings (my layout has a few Walthers buildings, and more than a few Plasticville)

Weathering: Steam, and Steam Era.

Oh, and if those ARE already done, cool.

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Ask Me How I Know!

I'm starting a little thread here, let's see how it goes... Give us a "Don't do it, EVER!" tip, and follow it with "Ask Me How I Know" (it doesn't have to be something you did, but even something you've seen happen, that should fall into the "just don't do it" catagory)

I'll start:

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Starting a small layout...

UPDATED (Photos are now uploaded to the thread)

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Vector Train

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Ooh, layout idea!

Reading a thread on making a work station look like furniture, just gave me a BRILLIANT idea!

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Excuses for Steam

So, say you are modeling the modern era... say... 2014...

Well, there is now no longer any excuse NOT to have Steam running up the 10 Freeway (Interstate 10) in Los Angeles!


This video fills me with so much zen... (notice the drivers in cars don't seem to pay it a second glance, but every car alarm in every parking lot notices!)

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Okay, so... and hear me out... as this may be more controversial than religion, and politics combined... but...

What if...

... I don't build any staging?

At what point would the universe unravel, and implode upon itself in a great big heat death?

Like... what if, I just have a small fiddle yard, that is also used for switching or something? Or not even that?

Oh... man... now I feel like a REBEL!

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