mikedeverell's blog

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Colorado Front Range - Scenery Video 5

Finally Static Grass is placed on the diorama- How do you get the grass to look like prairie grass. hope you enjoy the video.


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Colorado Front Range - Scenery Video 4

Video 4 is up here is a photo of the finished project. Hope you enjoy the video!


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Colorado Front Range - The beginning of the video series on how I do scenery

Not sure how many this will work out to be but here is the start of how I do Colorado scenery but can be done on any layout. this is the first 3 videos.


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Colorado Front Ranage Sept 2016 Update - Taking the mystery out of the magic of JMRI

Finally got some time to to get a video together more JMRI and electrical, both panels are built and turnout controls are done. Hope you enjoy. Pre view to scenery.

Mike Deverell

Colorado Front Range

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First Sceney to arrive on the Colorado Front Range

Well I took a break from wiring to work on a little scenery so here are some shots of my work set in Colorado in fall of 1959. I am still working on my JMRI CTC and Control panels for staging. The Staging panel is almost done just need to wire in the block occupiers and build the logic. Power control and turnouts are all done and working great. The CTC panel is started and turnouts are just about done. but so much computer work I needed a break. This is just the start. Here are some photos hope this spurs you to work on your layout.

Happy Modeling



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Colorado Front Range - How to build a control panel on JMRI: Panel Editor

Every wonder how to build a control panel in JMRI, or what it would take to get my computer to control my turnouts or for that madder anything. We here is a simple How to Video on Panel Editor 101 this will at least get you started on a panel and see what it will take and maybe open your eye to the possibilities. This is a simple project to get start on.


Hope it helps someone.



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Colorado Front Range Railroad update July 2016 - First JMRI panel

July brings me to the First JMRI control panel so here is the up date. I have a how to do following in a seprate post and video. hope you like the update.



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Colorado Front Range Railroad update May June 2016

Well the fist 24 feet of the backdrop is painted. It only took 8 tries and a clinic from Paul Rising and watching a few hours of You Tube videos on painting techniques but it is done. This months video was going to be a long one so I broke it down into two parts. The first part is just on paining the backdrop. The second part is on an update for the railroad and showing the new logo.

Here are both videos hope you enjoy!


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The backdrop has finally been desided and painted

So you think you can't paint a backdrop it took me 8 tries and lots of YouTube videos to learn the techniques to paint what I needed. Also lots of photos of the Colorado Front Range, I got to spent a lot of time there in the last few months. But here you go a few pictures of my efforts. This is over 12 feet long only 278 more feet to go but I got this done in 2 day at very relaxed pace not much more then 6 hours of work the rest was drying time. 7 photos and a sample of the fore ground work to follow soon.

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Coloraado Front Range Railroad update April 2016 - Painting Backdrops

Well here it is April and finally jumped in to backdrops wile this is not the final work on this here is a video on what I did and how I worked out what I will be painting. Also a look at two bridges that will be model on the layout. Looking at the prototype and and the beginning work on the layout. Hope you enjoy.

Mike Deverell


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