Larry of Z'ville's blog

Motor parameter Impact on train performance

I am moving the motor study to a separate post:

Automation of staging, what strategy & how is it implemented?

A part of my layout design & initial build is what if any automation strategy should be employed and with that what elements are needed.  The overall aspects will likely evolve with the layout.  However, the first sections that will be built are the staging area.  These will be permanently installed from nearly day one.  So the automation strategy for that section is really needed now.  

My ultimate TOMA layout (T-Trak)

After much thought and many starts & stops, I have decided to change my focus in scale and the size of my goal layout.  
The biggest issue is that the place I have is not conducive to what I can come up with in HO scale.  
Probably the main issue is that the room is small & any layout will have to share the space.  
Ok, that probably means a smaller scale.  
The assortment of supplies in N scale is more than adequate, yes not as much detail, but that is all right..  

Grade & Train Length Investigation

While working with the Rapido CN RS-18, one of the ways to push the motor was to run at increasing larger grade levels.  These results were different than expected based on what has been implied in other discussions.  To get a better understanding of this, a series of experiments were devised to see how this engine would compare with others.  A side benefit of this exercise would be actual data on how there engines respond to changes in

Rapido RS-18 Assessment

As I indicated in the earlier thread, I am doing an assessment on a Rapido CN DCC ready RS-18 model.  The initial testing is complete.  The plan is to put the model through some stringent paces to see how it holds up.  This is only a sample of one, so it is for courosity interest.

After eleven years

Of living in our post retirement "Dream" house, the wife and I are moving to Florida.  Our house here in Indy sold in three days without being on the market.  

The new "dream" house will be about half the size of the Indy house.  My train area will be a quarter of the current one or less.  Should I switch to N scale?

Power issues?

It has been a while since I last posted something to my blog here.  While I visit quite often, I tend to just take and observe rather than contribute much.  With Joe's recent post about frustrations of the hobby, an number of the comments pertain to power issues on the models, particularly recent releases.  While I have some opinions about this topic, I thought it would be good to get at what is really meant by this.  

An assessment of the Kato P42 engine

Normally a multiple sample set of tests is required before any statement can be made with certainty.  
However, recently a Kato P42 Amtrak engine with the motors in the trucks was made available for 

The results of this engine's initial tests were such that a summary of this single test was justified.   

While looking at individual parameters the uniqueness may not stand out, when looking at the 
performance overall the unit is in a class by itself. 

Engine Weight impact on Draw bar force

Over the last several months, I have been testing a number of HO engines for various performance features.  These tests have been all DC.  The same section of level track has been used of all of this data.  The section is cleaned daily.

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