Layout tour

jmt99atsf's picture

Unusual Delivery to the Morris Feed Lot

The latest stock train made this unusual delivery to the Morris feed lot.  Apparently one of the cows, in the pen second from the right, has fainted after seeing the delivery...

The fantastical figures were a Father's Day gift from the wife.

Start of the Lochdubh & Achnasheen Railway


due to my housemove I had to size down my modelrailway. My new railway room is now about 13x10 feet in size, compared to about 13x13 feet in the old house. As mentioned earlier I sold two of my stations to friends. Here I started with the new benchwork for my new model railway layouts. I used Ikea Ivar cupboard system parts and plywood for the construction. Here a video update I made some time ago.

Chrisgilbo's picture

Ashland Maine

Here's a few photos of Ashland, a small shelf switching layout built to show off my Brownville and Ashland Railway custom painted locos and stock. All of the locos and most of the freight cars are by Southern Tier Modelworks and the crane was made by Smokebox Graphics. The layout itself is 6ft long by 14" wide with a 4ft fiddleyard and a small run off at the other end to help with switching.

jeffshultz's picture

A tour of the Willamette Western RR

I've spent the last couple of months doing some reconfiguring here. I've swapped out several decoders for LokSound Select Direct's, done a fair amount of re-decaling of most of my locomotive fleet into WW logos, built a staging yard for the south end of the layout (eliminating a duckunder on the main aisle and creating a liftout across a doorway that may never be opened again), and then over the past 3 days, painted all of my fascia black with "Blackboard Paint" and redid the labels on all of my locations.

Yosemite Valley Railroad layout video on YouTube...

Last month, a two-person crew from TSG Media videoed my layout in High-def. It was a long process…first spending a day shooting with three cameras under the room lights (which seem bright to us but not video cameras which results in much less depth of field) and then coming back a week later to reshoot most of the scenes with LED lights. They then came back after finishing most of the post-production for some additional voice-overs. But the results were worth all of the effort since they produced a real railfan view of my layout.

It has now been uploaded to YouTube at

Ron Pare's picture

North America's Most Advanced Layout Exhibit | Our Home and Miniature Land

I know, the title will toss a few over the edge and does break into the realm of click bait. I believe it to be true.


FREMO Regional meeting at Hanau 2017

Today I attended the FREMO regional meeting at Hanau, near Frankfurt.

You could find the pictures I made during the meeting here.


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