MRH magazine

Idea: MRH Comprehensive Guide to Model Railroading Resources
On another thread, an interesting idea was suggested:
MRH Comprehensive Guide to Model Railroading Resources
This would be a categorized list of vendors and links to their website.
For example, you could visit a page on Trackwork and find all manner of vendors listed who sell trackwork products sorted by scale, with hyperlinks to their website.
I can see MRH Registered users getting this guide in PDF form for free (with live hyperlinks), and a paperback version for those who prefer that format for a modest price.

July MRH and Running Extra release ***updated to July 2***
The July issue(s) won’t be out until July 1st JULY 2nd this time —more articles than ever this month so we’re taking a few extra days to put a ribbon on the issues. Note, Running Extra is always a day later, so it will release July 3rd.
Rob Spangler's MRH layout cover story has almost double the photos and captions of our typical layout story, too.
Let’s hope you find the wait worth it!

New discovery -- ad blockers are a problem for MRH **solved***
Well, well, well.
One of the reasons, it appears, for advertisers to be leaving MRH is because of ad blockers.
If you read our online magazine or if you click the download link and just read the PDF in your browser (instead of downloading it as we expect you to with the download option), then ads are blocked if you have an ad blocker.
Most modern browsers come with a built-in ad and popup blocker now -- and when you update your browser, it comes with an ad/popup blocker that's automatically enabled.
June MRH and RE?
Are MRH and RE coming out this weekend or later?
Sand blasting medium
In the March, 2018 What's Neat feature, Jason Quinn used black sandblasting medium as coal for hopper loads. While I've seen coal slag sandblasting medium available, the only place near me sells copper slag medium. It's black, but I'm wondering what Jason's medium is - coal or copper slag?

MRH Garage Design Contest?
Did I miss the announcement on the winners of the layout design contest in the single or double garage? I thought it was a good idea and I also had submitted an entry.
May 2019 issue feedback
Just took a look at the most recent issue and I gotta say that in my opinion this is the best (by far) issue I have seen in many a moon.
Gil Bennett's layout ........are you kidding me? The most beautiful layout I've ever seen in a publication and the entire article is the gold standard for layout visits. I'm going to be absorbing details from that for hours. Scenery and backdrop........yikes.
Jack Burgess article on the Chopper. Nuts and bolts about a really common tool that I use a lot. Thank you Jack......that's a goldmine of info.
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