MRH magazine

November issue release status
The November issue of MRH is expected to be out Sunday Evening, with Running Extra expected Monday evening.
MRH: Sun, Nov 3, evening ***now released***
RE: Mon, Nov 4, evening ***coming tonight***
Been a rough month for me so we're just a tad late -- long story short, I was down three weeks with sinus infection then pneumonia. Not fun ... you can thank the other staff for picking up the slack this month or we'd be MUCH later ... ugh.

October MRH and Running Extra -- coming Oct 4 & 5
Okay, looks like October 3rd for the release of MRH and October 4th for Running Extra. Make that Oct 4th for MRH and Oct 5th for RE.
UPDATE: Didn't help that on top OF a sinus infection and ear infection (and in a round of antibiotics for this), I caught a head cold too boot. Yuk, been horizontal a lot, but feeling better today.
MRH should be out tonight (Oct 4) and RE tomorrow (Oct 5).
We were on target for an Oct 1 rollout until we kicked off the TMTV migration on Sept 16.

September issue release: MRH is out, RE coming this evening
Looking to release MRH right after the holiday, which would be Tue, Sep 3rd. ***it's now out***
Running Extra will come out a day later, Wed, Sep 4th. ***look for it later WED evening ***
The holiday weekend is delaying the release by a few days. Recently we've been targeting the first of the month, but with the holiday that's been delayed this time.
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