New FREE MP3 background sounds - downtown city sound added to Richlawn RR site

rickwade's picture

If you're using MP3 players for background sound (see the August MRH magazine article) and would like a free downtown city sound file, click on the link below.  The file is 15 minutes long, 14mb and has ambient background sound, cars, trucks, kids playing, dogs barking, and other various other sounds.  This is the first of (4) four downtown sound files that I have and use on my railroad.  I'll be posting others later.  I created the files myself using totally free sounds so that there are no license issues.  You are free to use and distribute them.

Here's the link:



Barry Oz's picture

Rick, Thanks for sharing your

Rick, Thanks for sharing your sounds and as you say are natural.






rickwade's picture

You're welcome, Barry


It's my pleasure!  I plan on adding more to my site once I figure how to configure my download counter plugin.  I'm curious as to how often the files are downloaded to see if it's worthwhile to post them.



The Richlawn Railroad Website - Featuring the L&N in HO  / MRH Blog  / MRM #123

Mt. 22: 37- 40

Hobo Al's picture

Are you just using small, hidden...


Are you just using small, hidden mp3 players that play these files in a loop?

Thanks for sharing them!


rickwade's picture

Al, please check out my article on Background Sound


Please check out my article on Background Sound in the August MRH magazine and the forum thread about the topic for more information.  Yes, I do use cheap MP3 players playing the loops.  I'm glad you like the file.  Here's the link to the thread:



The Richlawn Railroad Website - Featuring the L&N in HO  / MRH Blog  / MRM #123

Mt. 22: 37- 40

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