Track Plan Critique

I need some honest, but constructive critiques of a large scale, outdoor layout. I will post more info in the following post about era, location, prototype, etc.

This track plan is based on the amount of available space at our current house. If we end up staying, we will be adding an addition(as noted on the drawing). Should we move, I would use this same plan, and locate on the property a 80' tangent.

What potential problems am I missing?



4 months later....

My wife and I found a new to us house, and sold our current place. The new place will likely get a survey this fall or winter with track planning in earnest.

I think I will be able to retain most of town layout but connecting them together will be a challenge.

I'm also thinking about building a 1/48 or 1\64 mockup of the house & yard to get a visual of the completed layout, future play area for the kids, and a digging spot do the boys. Kind of ironic in smaller scales, you make a mock up in a larger scale. In large scale, you do the opposite.

Consider SketchUp

Craig - That was fast! Will you still be modeling the Seattle area?

I have found SketchUp a great tool to do quick visualization models, including terrain, that you can rotate and print if desired.  A friend does some landscape design this was as well and uses plug-ins that show the terrain. 

Keep us posted!


Neil Erickson, Hawai’i

My Blogs

Layout stays the same

The era, location, etc all stays the same. In tempted to model more, but I want some running space between the two towns.

I've done some initial planning on Sketchup, but the mockup is more for my wife.

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