Early Rail Boxcar

Early Rail Boxcar

To All: This Early Rail Boxcar is on my "To Do" list. It was built by Whit Towers ans presented in a ~!970 issue of Model Railroader. The prototype was built by Hodges Car Company and was discussed in the 1892 Car Builders Magazine. Being 75 feet long (huge for the era) the builder installed a pivoting center truck and angled corners to negotiate around corners, Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout


modelsof1900's picture

75' boxcar in 1900 and before

Elvin, a very interesting project! Let us see and hear about your project. I am very excited to see your realization!

Wish you success!


Cheers, Bernd

My website http://www.us-modelsof1900.de - my MRH blog http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/blog/20899

and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bernd.schroter.566 where I write about all my new projects.

Early Rail Boxcar

modelsof1900: Gotchcha! No such car existed. This article by Whit Towers is from the April, 1970 MR. I still plan to build the car, however. Yours, Elvin

modelsof1900's picture

Three-truck cars

Elvin, a short addition.

Three-truck cars were not unusual in that early railroad time. In John H. White, Jr's book "The American Railroad Freight Car" you can find a sketch of such a three-truck gondola. But it was not many longer as ordinary gons.


Cheers, Bernd

My website http://www.us-modelsof1900.de - my MRH blog http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/blog/20899

and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bernd.schroter.566 where I write about all my new projects.

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