Update on BNML Layout Progress

Bill Brillinger's picture

Here is an update on my progress on the BNML. Morris to St Jean...

This diagram shows the area covered in this update.

All the tricky bits of benchwork seem to be located in this section. The outside corner is complicated by the fact that it crosses the descending ramp to staging, so clearances are tight. And I also built my first super elevated curve. Works good so far!


Bill Brillinger's picture

Letellier Curve

The Benchwork is completed and track is going in on the Letellier Curve. By the end of today I should have all of the track in Letellier finished!

Fancy Benchwork

The Super Elevated Curve

First Train on the curve

I made strips for the super elevation on the laser.

This photo shows the entire area. Still working on the track at Letellier.

- Bill
Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, & owner of Precision Design Co.


tschwartz's picture

Neat and Tidy

Nice progress.

I like how everything under the layout has a spot for storage already.

Based on the collection of "small" boxes, there will be a lot of freight options running around in the future.

Tim Schwartz Having fun in HO

Virginian and Lake Erie's picture

You are two neat, yes that's

You are two neat, yes that's correct twice as neat as necessary. I will not be showing this to my wife until I can have some similar semblance of order in my train room, there is just no reason to set the bar that high. Your layout appears to be progressing nicely.

Rob in Texas 

everything under the layout has a spot for storage already.

The only problem might be that the shelves under there will limit access to wiring and turnout controllers? I prefer to keep as much clear space as possible under a layout ....DaveB

Bill Brillinger's picture


Nope. not limited. I've already wired the widest parts of the layout and the shelves were no problem at all. All of the rail is fairly close to the front and where it's not, there is room behind the shelves yes

- Bill
Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, & owner of Precision Design Co.


DRLOCO's picture

Superelevation strips

I'm very interested in how you made your superelevation strips  work-(they look way nicer than just some .005 styrene strips).  That photo with the SD's coming around the curve will look really amazing with scenery in place.

I attempted superelevation on my first plywood pacific 4x8. for that I sanded the cork down--which was a tedious and slow process.  This looks much better and more uniform...

Your blog is one of a few blogs here that I actually check on to get progress reports--It's a great trackplan, and I'm enjoying the behind the scenes looks at the layout progression.


Modeling the Midland Railway of Manitoba in S-Scale, because I like a challenge?!

Bill Brillinger's picture

Superelevation strips

Uhm Wow, thanks for the compliments DRLOCO!

I made the strips on my laser. The slits allow the strips to flex around the curve.

The original ones used on the first curve are too high for a regular curve but I was also combating an outward slant on that curve and the strips served to correct that.

For the second curve, I made new strips from 0.013" cardboard. I used weldbond glue to adhere them to the foam roadbed and layered it up to get the height I wanted. 2 layers for this curve.

It looks and works great so far!

Contact me and I'll send you some.


- Bill
Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, & owner of Precision Design Co.


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