Lenox Interlocking Tower
To All: Lenox Interlocking Tower was scratch built from a photo in a TRRA book. I use it on the layout to control traffic into and out of the west end of the Union Starch & Refinery industrial district.
Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout
Lee Beverage Distributors
The latest addition to the business district along Remien Drive is Lee Beverage Distributors. This business is not served by rail. It was constructed from a DPM modular kit. The "Lee Beverage Distributor" signs were decals from a Walthers kit, and the soft drink signs that adorn each side of the building are artwork printed out on my printer on regular paper and then using very fine sandpaper, were sanded to cigarete paper thickness. Then using full strength white glue, were pasted onto the building.
HN Cabin
To All: HN Cabin is an interlocking tower controlling traffic in the Union Starch & Refinery area, including a passing siding. I scratch built the tower from a photo in a TRRA book. Union Starch is a major source of traffic on the layout, having three sidings.
Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout
Car and Loco Shops
With a little time on my hands I was able to do some work on a project that I been wanting to do for a while. I have had one of the older Walthers transfer tables and wanted to build a car shop and loco shop on the layout. Just have to finish weathering and adding details around the area.
Donald Dunn
Custom paint
So, I've been painting on a commission basis on and off for four years now. I recently completed these following two units.
CR #6615 is a RPP C32-8 shell, lightly detailed, custom brake lever, Floquil paint & Microscale decals.
SP #2873 is an Athearn Genesis GP9, stripped and repainted in Kodachrome.
May God bless each and every one on this special day.
WR Interlocking Tower
To All: WR Interlocking Tower controls traffic to and from TRRA's Madison Yard on the layout. It is based on the prototype tower of the same name. I scrachbuilt it for the layout.
Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout
Mt Lofty Railfan visit.... with evidence of a battle lost
This Easter weekend the kids and i did some railfanning with the main objective was to explore the Mt Lofty line out of Adelaide. This line leaves Adelaide South Australia and climbs the Beautuful Adelaide Hills up to the Highest point at Mt Lofty and then down the other side on to Melbourne Victoria. The grade through to the summit runs At approximately 2.25 percent so its not an easy run. Multiple diesel lashups and long intermodal and grain trains coupled with beautiful surroundings make this a favorite spot for me. As i model The Eastern United states..
New Industry on the Washington Northern
With the expansion of the railroad to occupy the whole room my layout is in, several things needed re-arranging. One of which was the Raven Pulp and Paper Mill. (More on that coming soon) The corner that was once staging under the old paper mill site was now an empty corner, so I decided to ad another industry as long as I was going to be replacing scenery.
I'm working on more subroadbed, today. Hopefully I will have all of it finished by this weekend. I will post photos soon.
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