ferroequinologist1's blog
South African Railways Boxcar
To All: A bit unconventional is today's offering of a South African Railways Boxcar. I decorated this car in honor of my friend Arauna Palm, a USA transplant from South Africa, now living in Sweden. Herald art work and photo by Elvin Howland. Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout.
To All:P The Chicago Heights Transfer Terminal RR was bought by the Chicago & Eastern Illinois RR in 1927. Between May. 1950 and August, 1951 the C&EI RR bought 30 new GP7's. Here we see #227 painted in the CHTT scheme. I painted, lettered, stripped and weathered this Atlas brand example. Photo by Elvin Howland. Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout.
John Canfield Tribute
To All: Recently deceased John Canfield produce limited run Early Rail HO scale car kits under his Virginia Car & Foundry banner. I bought two of his Bobber Cabooses. I painted one in the DL&W RR color scheme and one in my road color scheme. Though I never meet him, I appreciated his sense of humor and his fine craftsman kits. I bought most of his kits.
Scratch Built Mill Gondola Loads
To All: Here are three Patapsco & Back Rive
HO Scale C&EI Cement Hopper
To All: This C&EI Cement hopper is on a down grade train on the layout. I weathered the car using oil based paint on the sills and Weathering Solutions Decals for the cement streaks. Photo by Elvin Howland. Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout.
HO Scale St. Mary's RR Boxcar
To All: Another recent weathering project for the HO scale First Coast Model Railroad Society's layout. I weathered this 50 foot St. Mary's RR Boxcar with Bragdon Weathering Powders. Photo by Elvin Howland. Yours, Elvin Howland/E. St. Louis Rail Group Layout.
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