DHfan73's blog

An awesome layout I filmed right before the lockdown...
Last March, only a couple weeks before the first lockdown, I was able to visit and film this amazing layout. The owner also owns a 1:1 scale CN caboose, which I've included at the end of the video. Enjoy!

Showing off my O scale trains...
Well, you can decide if this is real or not...

Demolishing My Layout (time-lapse video)
Last Monday my friend and I demolished my old layout in just over 2 and a half hours. The new one will be started soon....

Unboxing Some New Trains, and the Last Run on my Old Layout
I was recently sent some very nice train cars and I thought I would make an unboxing video about them. After looking at the cars individually, I put them on a train and run them around on the official last run of my old layout.

How to Scratchbuild Super Easy Chain Link Fence (Video+Photos)
Recently I've been working on chain link fence, and perfecting my technique, which I've developed using several different sources. Hopefully this helps those who want this type of fence on their layouts, and let me know if you have any questions.

100+ Car Train on my Club Layout!
I recently dug out this video of a 100+ car train my friend and I made on the Adirondack and Lake Champlain to celebrate 100 subscribers on YouTube. Enjoy!

Railfanning the D&H in 1978: Catching Some Trains On My Layout Before the Teardown (with real train sounds!)
Here's a video I shot on my layout.
"On a fine spring morning in 1978, I headed out to Plattsburgh to see what I could catch on the D&H Champlain Division. First up was SC-19, the Whitehall-Rouses Point local freight, with a Geep on point. After clearing the yard, SC-12, the Plattsburgh local, headed out onto the siding, and after picking up a boxcar, headed up to the GP mill. After watching them switch the mill, we caught them down at the yard again to wrap up this day of railfanning on the D&H."

New Pulpwood Car, How to Build Storage Tanks, and Running some Trains: Layout Video Update #2!
Here's layout video #2. Please let me know what I improved/unimproved on from last time, and what I should keep/change. Thanks for watching, and enjoy!

My First Layout Video Update: 3D Printed Canoe, Demolishion Progress, Walthers Boxcar Review, and More!
Hey all,
I just published my first layout video update. So far I have been told that I should relax a little to ease my tone of voice (I don't normally sound this bad) and to make things flow a little better. I'm looking for suggestions/advice/comments so I can improve things without making myself look like a fool even more.

Some Advice Needed on Benchwork
Hello all,
I am currently finalizing the plan for my future layout. It's not completely finalized yet, but the benchwork will be something along the lines of this configuration:
I would like to use foam as a subroadbed across the entire layout. Is this feasable?
Also, what construction should I use to support it? L-girders, frame, etc.
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