Warflight's blog
TMTV sale
Just an FYI folks... TMTV is having a Labor Day sale... I just reupped my own subscription! (and it wasn't even due for a few days yet!)
Trust me... it's worth it! (and no... nobody is paying me to say that... I just think it's worth it!)
Turnout issue...
Okay... I may need a bit of help.
(Bachmann engines, EZ track, and EZ track turnouts with Bachmann EZ Commander)
So, several days ago, I painted, and ballasted, as you know, and my trains have been running GREAT! Even my most troublesome engine (the 4-4-0) was doing GREAT!
However, starting just today (and again, keep in mind, everything is dry and secure... has been for a few days now) ONE of the turnouts started giving me trouble.
Being a model railroader, friends send me humorous stuff all the time...
Unfortunately, their humor isn't quite fit for these pages... so, I'll share a couple of Far Side comic I ran across (and nearly forgot about) while looking for something completely unrelated!
Confessions of a Model Railroad Hobbyist...
So, I have a confession (and an excuse... I'm still kinda new) but... I have never bought, or put together a craftsman kit.
I'm interested... but never have.
(I do want to find an "Oscar and Piker" set, and put them together... does that count?)
So what are your confessions? What's your dirty little secret as a Hobbyist? What have you done, or not done that you want to someday rectify? (or maybe never want to do?)
This could be fun, and it could give folks some good ideas!
Hekawi layout update.
So, I was going to do an update on my layout blog, and was putting it off, because I was all like "But I don't have photos", and a friend who is visiting was all "isn't that your camera? Isn't photography like... kinda your job?"
So I took some photos.
Okay, so, you can see pink foam through it, but, remember, I haven't painted it yet.
Okay, so... what I was told at the hobby shop was, spread the ballast, then spray it with a "wet water" made from water and alcohol, and then glue it using 50% Elmer's Glue All, and 50% water...
So you want to Model a Railroad?
Fun Warner Brother's short, with a hilarious ending! (no spoilers!)
Forum issues...
Okay, so... I can't comment!
I log into this forum, and it will let me blog, sure... but if I try to comment on any thread, it logs me out, and tells me I have to log in to make a comment (deleting whatever comment I've typed)
Also, if I go to another page, it does the same thing. So, say I'm reading a new message, and there are more new messages on the next page, when I go, I'm logged out again.
I have no idea how to fix this!
EZ Command compatibility question
Okay, so, right now, my layout's DCC system is Bachmann EZ Command.
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