feldman718's blog
Train Ferry Solano
I am in the midst of reading the article on the Train Ferry Solano that appears in the October 2010 issue of NMRA Magazine and I am stunned. But I am not stunned enough not to write anything about it or my impressions of this model.
Building Car Floats for the Hudson and Hartford and other stuff
I have seen some photos of self propelled car floats and come up with some descriptions for them as could have been developed for use on the route between New Jersey and Brooklyn. I have also found it necessary to change some of the basic parameters for the layout as well.
I recently ran across this website and I rhink it's worth a look. It may or may not be threat to thsi site, but if used a suplement it could be quite valuable.
I would suggest that you take a look. You can find it just by typing:
into your browser. If you want to subscribe it will cost you $45.00 a year.
I am not in any way associated with this site except as a subscriber.
I don't know where the stars of the films they show are located but the site owner is in the UK.
Building the Hudson and Hartford
I've been actually looking at what I've gotten done lately between times when I actually have to work for a living. I actually have more time to do this at the beginning of a semester than I have in the middle or the end despite Holidays which take up much of September. Still I do spend time reading the messages here and I enjoy them. This fits into my Monday/Wednesday teaching schedule since I have long breaks between classes in which to do this.
My Old N-Scale Locomotive Fleet
Last week I had promised to show photos of my old N-Scale diesels from various manufacturers. These should be looked at while you think of the CommeNtary article in the September issue of MRH which happens to be quite good. Some of the photos are out of focus but you can still make what the photo represents. Keep in mind that these locomotives reflect late 1970s to early 1980s plastic moulding technology which is nowhere near what it is today. The mechanisms that drove these locomotives also left much to be desired.
College is back in session...
Well actually the college I work at started the Fall semester on Thursday, August 26, 2010 but I didn't start teaching until the Monday before Labor Day, so this is really the second week of the semster. I've got two great classes and it's great to get back to doing something useful.
You never what you are going to find when you go through old photos.
You never know what you are going to find when you go through old photgraphs.
My wife, who is in the process of emptyng her mother's apartment, was going through some old photographs when she found the photo below:
I haven't worked on my layout for a while...
I haven't worked on my layout for a while but I have been doing some research on it and ordering some stuff for it.
The Allegheny Midland: Lessons Learned by Tony Koester, update
I finished this book a few days ago. I still like the book whish is well written, entertaining and and informative.
However, one remark you'll find in the book did hit a note that I found extremely entertaining. You'll find it on page 88 of the book and I'll quote it:
The Allegheny Midland: Lessons Learned by Tony Koester
I started readng this new book a few days ago and I find it to be a very interesting story. Why, you might wonder?
When I came into the hobby in the late 1970s I started reading Railroad Model Craftsman and it was edited back then by none other than Tony Koester. Tony wrote abotu many things back then but most of his editorials had to do with tw subjects: The V&O and his own model railroad which eh was then building. Thsoeeditorials were great and I learned alot from them.
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