rrfaniowa's blog

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Superelevation for a branch line (cheap and easy method)

I needed to find a simple way to super elevate the curves on my small branch line to a scale 3 inches. Yes, that’s right, only 3 scale inches!

After researching several different options (some quite involved), I decided using poster board might be a good option. So, off to my trusty local Hobby Lobby to investigate. 

rrfaniowa's picture

Homasote curved roadbed filler

I milled homasote for roadbed in both straight and curved sections. The photo shows a section of curved roadbed. Do you think the best solution for filling the kerfs would be caulk, or is there a better option? 

I’m thinking caulk would be the best for flexibility and it would provide some grip for spikes (albeit minimal), but I’m interested in other ideas. 

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Introducing the Milan branch of the Iowa Interstate

After enjoying this site for over two years and learning a great deal from the many contributors, I have decided to start a blog to chronicle the construction of my prototype layout of the Iowa Interstate’s Milan branch. My hope is that by “going public” it will motivate me to keep progressing with the layout so that I actually have things to share. Nothing like a good dose of accountability to keep one from procrastinating, right? 

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