Track plan update

luis_lopes's picture

Hi all.

I have been playing with SCARM, doing some changes to the track plan.

This is what I came up with:

Just three turnouts, one big grain elevator, one grain shed, a concrete mix, a warehouse non railserved, just for complete the scene.I'll some bit's and pieces while building it, like some roadside shops, and gas pumps, and a team track to justify the presence of a box car from time to time. No hidden fiddle yard. Track will be MicroEngineering code 70, with Nr. #6 turnouts.

The grain elevator is based on Tom Johnson's Lucerne Elevator. I asked his permisson. He sent me the details about this structure, which I gladly thanked him

Thank you for the time you took reading this., and I apologise for some my poor English.


Michael T.'s picture


Looks really good Luis.  Don't you just love SCARM?  BTW, your English is just fine!



Original member of the "Gang of Six"

R.I.P. Verne Niner. The time I got to know you was way too short my friend.

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