Home / Mike Confalone's Allagash Story - Layout Panorama 1 - sneak peek
Mike Confalone's Allagash Story - Layout Panorama 1 - sneak peek
Panorama-1: (Click the image above and then drag with your mouse to move around in the window; click the + or - to zoom in and out)
Left-to-right, shows Sandy River bridge scene, the door, just a bit of the New Portland St. Regis mill alcove, East New Portland, Carrabassett Jct., New Sharon, Weld, and Sandy River Jct.
To see the full panorama as one huge jpg, click here.
This is one of 5 panoramas coming in the new Allagash Story eBook series - click here to learn more.
NOTE: You need Quicktime installed to view this panorama, otherwise it will not work. Unfortunately, this panorama will not work on mobile devices (yet). We're debugging that now, so stay tuned ...
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Dear MRHers, Hmmm, fan
Dear MRHers,
Hmmm, fan mounted high in the doorway. Rudimentary air-movement for human comfort, or subtle attempt at modelling "atmospherics"? (Given Mike's want to model the entire "feel" of the area, I wouldn't put attempting to model a cold "wind-chill" effect past him... ;-) )
Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr
Very cool. Can't wait for the
Very cool. Can't wait for the rest.

Amherst Railway Society HHJ YouTube channelWOW!!!
This is GORGEOUS!! Can't wait.
- Bill
Modeling the BNML in HO Scale, Admin for the RailPro User Group, & owner of Precision Design Co.
Super Cool!
That's awesome!
Circulating fan.
You'd be amazed at how much warm air that little fan moves! Note baseboard heat along front of room. This fan, and one other at the other end of the room basically take the heat that comes off that baseboard and distributes it throughout the entire railroad room, front to back.
In spring/summer/fall, dehumidifier comes back on, and the fan gets put away until winter.
Mike Confalone
Great view
That's a great way to show off the layout. Hope you can do more of them.
Tony in Victoria, Australia
Five in all
The eBook has 5 such panoramas in all, each from different vantage points around the 24 x 58 foot room. You really feel like you are there.
And that's just volume 1. Wait until you see what's in the other 3 volumes .... click here for more.
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
I just noticed that the links
I just noticed that the links to the "huge jpg" editions of the panoramas appear to be broken. At least in the portrait edition of the ebook. I didn't know any better place to report this so I put it here. It's been a great read so far though.
Cheers, Orvio
Bad panorama links
Thanks for pointing out the link problem... unfortunately, this is an Adobe "feature". The bad links have doubled-up http://'s at the front like this:
"http://http://somelink.jpg "
Joe Fugate
Publisher, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine
Read my blog
Michigan's TSBY Yellow Belly hoppers...
In the below video (@ 00:45) we see the two TSBY hoppers heading to the ALLAGASH RR-
Can't wait to see more videos of the layout in action!
Martin Burk at Saginaw Terminal Docks
MRH Link: http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/30169?page=1
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