How do I directly download MRH to my iPad?

Short answer: Yes, you can easily download MRH directly to your iPad once you know a couple simple iPad tricks.

TRICK 1: Instead of tapping on the MRH download link, TAP AND HOLD. You will get a popup menu of link action options – we recommend Open in New Tab.

TRICK 2: Once the MRH PDF has downloaded into your browser tab, tap the cover image (away from any article teaser links) to get the Open in … button. Tap on the Open in … button to open the MRH PDF in your favorite PDF reading app (iBooks, GoodReader, etc.) and enjoy!


Long answer: Yes, downloading MRH directly to your iPad is easy. Here’s some step-by-step screens to show you the process.

Step 1: Navigate to Other copy options page using the green button for the format you prefer (Landscape or Portrait). In this example, we chose Landscape.

Once on the other copy options download page, TAP AND HOLD the magazine link to get the link options popup menu as shown here. Select Open in New Tab ...

Tap and hold to get this link options popup menu on your iPad - select Open in New Tab


Once you select Open in New Tab, the screen will go black and the PDF will take several minutes to download into your browser. Wait for the blue download progress bar to go completely across the width of the URL box ...

While the MRH PDF is downloading, you will get a progress bar in the URL area. You will need to wait several minutes for the PDF to download into your browser.


Once the download is complete, the cover image will come up in your browser window. Tap the cover image (make sure you don't tap an article link, tap out somewhere else on the cover image) and you will get an Open button bar across the top of your screen. Tap the Open in ... button:

Tap the cover image to get the Open in ... button - then tap the Open in ... button to get various open options


In this example, we chose to open the PDF in iBooks ... after a few moments the screen will shift to iBooks, and the PDF will be added to your iBooks library, and opened for you. Just start flicking the pages like you normally do for any iBook document to read MRH.

Reading MRH in iBooks on the iPad

You now have the issue directly downloaded to your iPad and stored in your favorite reading app, ready to read whenever you want.

The iPhone works somewhat similar, except we recommend the Portrait version for the best iPhone reading experience.

NOTE: Although this example shows downloading and opening MRH in iBooks, for the very best reading experience on an iPad or iPhone, we recommend the GoodReader app ($5). For more on reading MRH with GoodReader, click here.


I found a free program which seems to do the trick

After reading this post, I decided to look for a free alternative to GoodReader. The one I settled on is Documents by Readdle. It works very similarly to GoodReader. 

  • Open Documents and click on "Browser" in the menu.
  • Navigate to the download page for the issue you want to download.
  • Long press on the download link. A pop up menu comes up, and you can click on "Download link"
  • The file will start downloading. You can monitor the download in the Downloads folder under the Documents menu item. When the download completes, you can read the magazine directly in Documents, 
  • if you want, you can copy the issue to iBooks. Just select the issue, and select "open in" and then iBooks.

I found the download to be quite fast. The embedded landscape version only took about five minutes. The program can do a lot more, which I haven't investigated yet, so give it a go. The price is certainly right.


Ron Ventura

Melbourne, Australia

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