Product announcement

Vector cut Atlas HO Signal Tower Kit Upgrade Kit 2.0

Vector cut has released version 2 of their Atlas signal tower upgrade. They had been out of stock of version one for a while so it's nice they've released an update to it.




MikeM's picture

New HO scale figures coming thanks to 3D scanning and printing

Just saw an ad in the newest Gazette that appears interesting so I followed up on their website.  RailRoadAvenue Models isn't a MRH advertiser so far as I know but perhaps they could be encouraged to join.

Now if there were some way to use a special 3D CAD program to modify their designs (or others) to print custom LP...

RMC and R&R are back - White River new publisher

Railroad Model Craftsman and Railfan & Railroad will now be published by White River Productions. The details are in the attached PDF.

Railroad Model Craftsman and Railfan & Railroad magazine logos

Bernd's picture

Bowser 3D Printing

Not wanting to hi-jack Ken Rickman's thread, here's some news from Bowser in case you haven't seen it. I believe it's the way to go with 3D printing. Perhaps they finally have it right.


MikeM's picture

It's official, Carstens has closed their doors

Just received an email from the PNR of

"Carstens Closing

I have received information from a well respected member of the model railroad publishing field that Carstens, Inc is closing business this week. This brings to the end the publication of Railroad Model Craftsman Magazine, one of the oldest general publications in the hobby field.

The hobby will miss the information published in RMC and the overall support of our hobby from Carstens.

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