Locos and rolling stock

Athearn sd60m triclops

Bought a nice new Sd60m triclops.

Very nice, but 2 bearing caps missing.

Athearn are currently putting out repair kits which fix the problem, but will only mail them to USA and Canada.

I live in the UK, and Athearn refuse to send me a kit.

Can anybody in the USA please help?

Happy to cover costs, expenses etc. Anybody?


OSCR's picture

GMTX GP38-2 model revisited

I want to model the GMTX GP38-2's that CN are using in abundance.

I ordered the Athearn GMTX GP15.

I need to unfortunately take the knife to the back end roof and add two fans to simulate the GP38-2. Anyone know what manufacturer has the fans? Also any other details to add to make the model more authentic?



Michael T.'s picture

Got some goodies today

So in addition to the anniversary of the layout being in August, so is my wedding anniversary and today the wife's gift to me arrived. I also have some "cabeese" on the way from e-bay but she doesn't know about those...shhhhwink

Cars for Fracking Sand in N

Train loads of fracking sand (all Battlestar Galactica fans are now snickering) has become quite the thing in contemporary railroading.


Modeling this in N is a bit harder as the selection of models for current cars is less than optimal. The closest I can find are cars that first appeared in the mid/late 1960's.

railandsail's picture

Rolling Stock Tuneup Tips

I recently did a short search for discussion threads dealing with 'tuning up' our model rr cars,...proper weighting, truck tightness adjustments, etc, etc.

I was surprised at not finding many subject threads dealing with these details. I did find this older one that didn't end up going to many postings,... 

Speed matching Tsunami with Tsunami2

Trying to speed match an Athearn Tsunami decoder with an Athearn Tsunami 2 decoder.  Both are factory
installed.  I’m getting close but the trailing loco eventually catches the lead loco after about  25 feet of running.  Can they be matched and run in a consist without pushing or pulling at each other?  Do CV’s 2,5, and 6 need to be fine tuned more?  Thanks for any help.


Mason-Dixon RR's picture

DCC in n-scale Bachmann GP40

See the source image

Trying to decide best way to convert this Bachmann N Scale EMD GP40 to DCC. 

See from this TCS article there is some tedious and risky effort involved. Especially with cutting traces on the factory board. https://tcsdcc.com/installation/n-scale/2093

Rotary Snow Plow Query

Hello Friends

I saw a model recently of a Rotary Snow Plow, with a water/oil tanker and a powered B unit set to function as an independent unit.  The owner claimed it was modelled on a prototype photo but I have been unable to verify such a photo.  Can anyone help me with information?

Brass steam locomotive shorting problem

I have a few brass steam locomotives and while I know they can be fussy about trackwork, I have got them running with no issues apart from one exception.

The one loco I'm having trouble with is shorting out under the tender. I think it is because this tender has a lot of underframe detail that seems to hang very low and I think the parts are sometimes touching the rails and causing the sparking and shorting.

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