What's new on TrainMasters TV
Just added the first two chapters of the Siskiyou Line Scenery volume 4.
Also uploaded a TMTV bonus full video - the Ottawa Train Expo. When a video includes a free preview, it has a banner across the lower right hand corner. If the banner is blue, the preview is all there is, the full video is coming soon. When the banner is orange, there's both a free preview AND the full video.
The Ottawa video was a trial run before we knew there was going to be a TrainMasters TV, so it was an excuse to get out and shoot some video of a train show!
TrainMasters TV pricing
Not 100% I want to jump on the TrainMasters express just yet so I am going to try the one month first.
My question is, How long will the charter memberships be offered and other than cost per month is there any perks?
Hope it is a success, just not ready to fully commit to it yet.
PS. Saw a spot for a "coupon" how would you go about finding that?
TrainMasters TV general orientation assistance
Okay, here's some basics on using the video player on TrainMasters.TV.
Do I need a Face Book Account to sign up?
Do I need a Face Book Account to access and signup for TMTV?
Looking for layouts for "MyLayout" segment on TrainMastersTV
One of the segments planned for TrainMastersTV is called MyLayout. Our host, Jim Wright, will present video that MRH readers have shot of themselves and their railroads. If you would like to be featured in the MyLayout segment, here's what you have to do:
TrainMasters-TV: What topics DO YOU want to see?
Okay, we're building toward a TrainMasters-TV release this fall - and here's your chance to request the video content you'd love to see.
It can be a how-to video topic, a layout you'd love to see on video, a hobby "name" you'd love to hear more from, a hobby vendor you'd like to get a profile on, or a show or museum you'd be eager to have put on video.
The sky's the limit - and if we can figure out how to do it, we'll try to add it to the growing list of content to get on TrainMasters.
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