Issues with Skipping/Freezing??
Hi all,
Was wondering if anyone is having a problem with picture freeze and skipping while watching videos?
I have a Roku tv and have downloaded the app so I can watch the channel while walking on the treadmill.
I have noticed certain videos seem to have a small skip/freeze occur while watching.
New show coming to TrainMasters TV: Jimmy's Trainworks
New show coming to TrainMasters TV ... deep dive into the techy side of the hobby, plus small layout ops and more! First show premiers in April.
What's happening to TrainMasters TV content?
The material on TMTV has been deteriorating over the last couple of months.
Some of the content duplicates items that are in MRH & MRH-RE. That means I am paying for the same material twice.
The QAT sessions may be interesting to those who can tune in live but going back later to find useful content means sitting through over an hour of mostly talking heads flapping their lips. That format is essentially useless to me.
If TMTV does not improve in the next couple of months I will not be renewing in July when my subscription expires.
Trainmasters TV not working on Chrome or Edge!
Sometime in the last few days Trainmasters TV started coming up with blank white pages in both Chrome and Edge when I try to log in.
When I go here (TrainMasters TV | Catalog) in Edge, I get this:
with the four little icons on the bottom, along with the copyright and powered by notes (cut off in this screenshot).
Submitting to TrainMaster TV's MyLayout
One of the segments you'll see on TrainMastersTV is called MyLayout. Our host, Jeff Shultz, presents a video that MRH readers have shot of themselves and their railroads. Go back and search for MyLayout on the TrainMasters TV website and watch some of them to get a better idea how the MyLayout segment works.
If you would like to be featured in a MyLayout segment, here's what you have to do:
Allagash up close & personal
Hi from the UK,
I've just been watching the two Allagash up close & personal series, The Carthage Turn & The White Mountain switched and wanted to say how much I've enjoyed them. Mike's explanations of what's happening is especially appreciated by someone who's attempting to model a US railroad here the UK.
Thanks Lee
Unhappy with your automatic renewal ***solved***
UPDATE: Hello everyone, I'd like to share that Joe reached out to me not more than an hour after I emailed him. First class response and remedy. I'd like to publicly acknowledge this and say thank you to him and his remarkable efforts.
Hi, I have just cancelled my subscription plan because I'm honestly a little upset by how the automatic payments are made on your website.
Article or video idea
If you have an article or video idea, please let us know on this thread (don't spell out the idea, just mention you have one) and we will tell you how to get in contact with us.
We've had to do this because hackers have found our online forms and are spamming us with thousands of form submits per day.
We're sorry we have to use such an indirect method of contact -- you can thank the spammers of the world for ruining the web for everyone.
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