Advertiser help
Where do I get the bulls-eye "click here" icon?
Answer: You can download the bulls-eye icons from here.
These are in zip file format, so you will need to unzip them. You will find two versions included - normal and intense. Pick the one you think best matches the color scheme of your ad.
What's the best file format to send you for my ad?
Short answer: PDF is the absolute best, because it embeds all the needed fonts in the document. High quality JPG is second best.
Long answer: Please provide your ad in one of these formats:
- PDF (best, because it embeds all fonts)
- JPG (second-best - make sure it's high-quality - 90% or better)
We can also take:
How do I send a news release or product announcement to you?
Short answer: If your announcement is only text, then use the "News release announcement" category on our contact form. If your announcement includes images or other media, then use this link.
How do I send my ad copy to you?
We prefer to receive your ad copy submission electronically, since we're an all-electronic publication.
Are there any kinds of ads you do not accept?
Answer: Yes, we do not accept any of the following types of ads:
- Illegal products, services or anything of dubious legality
- Adults only products, or anything adults only or pornography-related
- Gambling products or anything gambling-related
- Ads with potentially offensive content or with annoying gratuitous animation
- Ads that show anyone in skimpy swimwear or nightwear - we're a G-rated magazine all the way
What kind of circulation/web site traffic do you have?
Short answer: Our web site's been live for just over 18 months and we're seeing a base circulation of 20,000 - 30,000 per issue (it varies). Issue 1 has topped 45,000 as of this writing (January 2010). We've also had almost two million total page hits since we went live with this site.
What is an MRH sponsoring advertiser and how do I become one?
Short answer: If you agree to place 3 months or more of quarter-page or larger ads in our monthly magazine we place your clickable logo prominently in our magazine and on our web site, plus you get free bonus ad venues you can use, like our web site (circa 76,000 per month and growing)! Access our Ad Kit to learn the details.
Why would I want to advertise in your magazine?
Short answer: Our magazine is designed to be entertaining, interactive and read on the computer screen. That means our readers can go straight from your ad to your web site with one mouse click. With MRH magazine, the road to instant gratification is short! Download our advertiser's kit.
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