NY,V & N Rwy Motorized Crane

Bernd's picture

Being inspired by the crane article written by Geoff Bunza I decided to give it a try. I have had an Atheran crane for quite sometime now.

The details follow in the first post ...


MODERATOR EDIT: Moved the bulk of this content to the first comment post so we don't get a long-winded first post that repeats across pages.


Sleep Walking back again...

I've owned the crane and tender set a total of two times now - I sold off the first one years ago after concluding I "Didn't Need It."  Yet, I then recouped it a couple years later...I'm not reselling it now!!


Benny's Index or Somewhere Chasing Rabbits

Bernd's picture


I finally figured out how was going to go about making the single step ladder on the side of the frame. Here's what I used.

I made a jig for drilling all the holes, 16 holes by .020" diameter on one side, out of brass. Glued it to the maple wood and drilled four holes in a square of .200". The reason the bottom is filed off was to make a bending jig.

(pictures need to be retaken)

Here are the three pieces of brass ready to be soldered together.

(pictures need to be retaken)

And the end result on one side of the crane.

(pictures need to be retaken)

Next, the other side and the stirrup steps, four per side. That's it for now.


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds     

Bernd's picture

Athearn crane update

First I'd like to apologize for the pictures that have disappeared in this thread. I started updating my web site, I host my own pictures, and I inadvertently erased some files and guess what? That's right I didn't have them backed up. So I'm going to redo the pictures and post them on my web site.

With that said and done, I want to thank Vinny, aka bsnf6951, for an idea that I tried out on this video I made of the crane construction. Here's the video.



If you want to read what and how I did it here's a direct link to the web page.



New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds     

Bernd's picture

Up Date

I was able to reload a majority of the pictures I had lost and misplaced for this thread. I have the ones marked where I will need to retake the pictures of.

The crane never got finished. Perhaps one of these days.


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds     

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