NY,V & N Rwy Motorized Crane

Bernd's picture

Being inspired by the crane article written by Geoff Bunza I decided to give it a try. I have had an Atheran crane for quite sometime now.

The details follow in the first post ...


MODERATOR EDIT: Moved the bulk of this content to the first comment post so we don't get a long-winded first post that repeats across pages.


Kevin Rowbotham's picture

Radio Control...

I've already committed to going DCC with the crane I have, otherwise I would likely go R/C with it.  As it is, you have inspired me to look at other animation ideas I have with R/C in mind.  I still think one of those loaders would be a fun addition, just to name one possibility.

Nothing boring here!


Appreciating Modeling In All Scales but majoring in HO!

Not everybody likes me, luckily not everybody matters.

Bernd's picture



Could be a long hard winter up there in Canada. I'd start looking for one now and start planning. I'll help as much as I can if you go for it and I think you should. But first you'll need those machine shop tools to make those small parts.


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds     

Bernd's picture

Electronic correction

When I first wired up the Rx I had no idea which outputs do what so I just hooked them up. I had to rewire all three motors. Here is a picture for those that might follow this thread and build an R/C crane.

Here's a picture of the hook up to the Rx.

H1 = Left stick u/d = boom ( u/d = up/down )

H2 = Right stick rotation cw/ccw = swing base

H3 = Right stick u/d = large hook

You are looking at the backside of the Rx board. So with the electronics figured out next will be some details like ladders and steps.



New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds     

Bernd's picture

I don't need no screws

I've got my Precision Scale 6 wheel Buckeye trucks for the crane. These will give the crane a bit more weight to help keep it up right.

The trucks are to be put together with metric screws, 2.2mm X .45 to be exact. Even I don't have a tap that size. Mine are all imperial. What to do? Guess it's time for a little soldering using the resistance soldering rig. But first the trucks need to be prepared. A bit of filing to clean them up and the bearing holes need to be drilled for the ends of the wheel sets to fit into. So here are the pictures.

Drilling out the end bearing holes.

One side soldered in. Make sure the insulated wheels are all on one side.

Ready to solder on the second side.

The roll test to make sure all wheels are free. That's why the picture is fuzzy.

One more truck to do.


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds     

Kevin Rowbotham's picture

Show Off!

LOL, you know I am kidding of course... [grin]

Seriously, thanks for the tutorial!

I'm looking forward to my set of trucks arriving so I can decide how best to put them together.  I'll probably end up using imperial screws...


Appreciating Modeling In All Scales but majoring in HO!

Not everybody likes me, luckily not everybody matters.

Bernd's picture


Screws will work. Get some 2-56. They are close to what they send with the kit.

Here's a picture of the crane with the new trucks mounted and with it's temporary crane tender car. I'm going to kitbash a 50ft long crane tender car using an Atheran blue box 50ft insulated box car under frame.

I think this will be it for posting on the crane for a while. Going to do some detail work, get the battery installed and like I said, kit bash a bigger tender car.

If you have questions as you build yours up don't hesitate to ask. Good luck and have fun.


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds     


Looking good.

You may consider the Baggage car modification used by the Southern Pacific, if you desire a larger tender.


Benny's Index or Somewhere Chasing Rabbits

Bernd's picture

Baggage car

Thanks Benny.

I've got some passenger cars around somewhere. Just a matter of finding them. Will have to take a look see. Thanks for the idea.


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds     


I thought I might go one further and find the picture of the Tender car here out west...and found this!  This should have plenty of room for batteries!

Here's what I aim to build "some day"...which wouldn't be much help in your situation, but interesting nonetheless.

And a third variation...

Good luck with the closer on this build!! 


Benny's Index or Somewhere Chasing Rabbits

Bernd's picture

The 3rd varitation

I like the third variation. Now I can use the trucks that were under the crane and perhaps the insulated box car body.

Thanks for the pictures. They're a great help.


New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds     

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