Masonite Splines

Bill Lewis's picture

I have started my adventures into spline construction (after getting some tip's last night from the superentendant of nearly everything) i set up a test and took 2 short splines and used "all pourpus adhesive caulk" on them insted of yellow glue and let them set over night the result was very good i could not get them to pry appart even when useing a screw driver on them. So hear are some pictures of my progress i will post more as i go. * and keep in mind when you see my helix i Model in N-scale. 

"From the Great Northern Pacific RR"

Thanks Bill

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rickwade's picture

Keep on splining!


Thanks for sharing your post.  I've yet to "spline" yet as I'm a plywood sub-roadbed guy, but I'm intested to see how it goes.



The Richlawn Railroad Website - Featuring the L&N in HO  / MRH Blog  / MRM #123

Mt. 22: 37- 40

An interesting approach!

I've done about 250' or so of Masonite splines, all of it using yellow glue.  I find the finished product to be incredibly sturdy, and the roadbed follows lovely natural curves.  But it takes a long time between spline installations to let the glue dry.  I think I'll give your adhesive caulk method a try - maybe more than a single spline at a time can be glued in place, thus saving installation time.  Of course, it doesn't really matter, since I'm not in a hurry, except sometimes I wish the pace of construction were a LITTLE faster!


Bill Lewis's picture


I got  6 splines of the 10 i need installed in 1 day the caulk seams to be working very well. it only has to set for about 15-20 minutes untill annother spline can be added. the only drawback im seeing is before ill be able to do my touchup sanding for horizontal level ill have to take a knife and cut off the exess caulk that oozed up from betwene the splines. other than that it is going very good and its a very clean install, i.e. nothing driping on my floor.

Bill Lewis's picture


Well I have finished my first section of splines, It wasnt a bad process for being able to get the curve just right with-out alot of test fitting and jig-sawing plywood it works great i have 1 more corner that will be done useing this method i defently recomend useing the self adhisive caulk for glueing the splines together, it was a no mess way of doing it. I will try to get some pictures posted soon.

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