Easy Model Railroad Inventory Upgrade

Bob Langer's picture

Released version 2.1 of Easy Model Roadroad Inventory. Added a new field, System Class, and some other stuff.

1. Fixed length of location local variable in Batch Assign Cars.
2. Fixed door width problem.
3. Added system class field to rolling stock and car card.
4. System class will appear on car card if exists instead of the single letter car class.
5. Added color field to locomotive record.
6. Updated field captions in export function.
7. Optionally print photo on car card for all rolling stock.
8. Added batch assign location warning.
9. After tagging in the batch assign location record the selected record will retain focus.

Here is the link to our download page:



Hobo Al's picture

Getting better and better.

Getting better and better. Thanks, but did you have to add "print photo on car card" after I printed, folded and taped a bunch of car cards?

Just kidding. It's a great new feature.


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