PS-2 weathering

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mike horton's picture

Nice job,

not too much, but well

Photo adjustment

What are you taking the photos with? Cell phone, iPad? If so I'd be happy to discuss making sure the orientation is correct when taking the picture. One of the things that confuses people is the photo may look correct on your computer but will be incorrect on other's computers unless it is taken with proper orientation on those devices. 


Rick, I’m using my IPhone. I

Rick, I’m using my IPhone. I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I have posted a number of pictures properly oriented. Not sure what the problem is.



Definitely looks like an older car that's been around awhile but still quite serviceable and not like an over-weathered junk heap that is so often the modeling trend nowadays.


Jwmutter's picture

Very nice!

What techniques did you use?

Jeff Mutter, Severna Park, MD


Robin W's picture

@ Andre

I agree, too much weathering, and it becomes a "who would put a commodity in that "  i mean graffitti is one thing, which seems to be all you see now on a train .. if you find a car that doesnt have it .. its like seeing a albino buffalo 

Robin in AZ



I ran into the same problem with my iPad. I recently got a XS iPhone (71 years old and my first cell phone!....I actually bought it for the camera, which is amazing).

 What tends to happen with these devices is they have imbedded information that an Apple device can read that automatically orients them properly. Non-Apple software doesn't read this info and orients the photo to how the camera was positioned when the shot was taken. I can take a stack of photos with my iPhone , import them into Helicon or Affinity software to work on them and they can be upside down upside down. It was how I held the camera. Imported to my old MacBook Pro they all stay correctly oriented. See thumbnails below.


Importing to MRH or putting them into editing software here's what the same photos do.

Also, if you imported directly to MRH you would see the issue and can correct it. Posting the photo as a link can add another layer of problems.

The only one that seems to always work in other software is Landscape ("photo" in iPhone) with lens on top.




Hi Jeff, I used acrylics,

Hi Jeff, I used acrylics, enamels, and powders to capture the weathering effects. I also worked from a prototype picture. I can share the step by step if people are interested. This is weathering 101 and any beginner can replicated this without any special skills. Heck I don't have any, and got what I think are decent results. I just need to get my photo orientation issues with my Iphone corrected.


PS-2 weathering steps

Here is another car I am starting to weather. At this point you have a decision to make about the hand grabs. On the Atlas and Roundhouse models the grabs are giant flat pieces of molded plastic. Since the weathering will highlight these parts, you must decide if you want to replace them with styrene rod. I'm doing two to see how they look with the 3 ft. rule in place.

PS-2 weathering

Here is what the car looks like with the grabs removed and the tools used to complete that task.

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